Chapter 4.⚠️{fixing issues}⚠️

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Raymond opens the door.

Raymond: Hey...

After he came out to check he was hit in the stomach with the butt of the Hoodlum's shotgun leaving Raymond suffocating to the ground.

Rayna: RAYMOND!!-(scared)

Jockwell: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Hoodlum: He's as weak as ever! HAHA!-(laughs hypocritically)

The boss grabs Raymond's hair to lift him up.

Jockwell: Hello Ray...-(with an evil smile)

Raymond: How dare you, damn...-(trying to gather strength)

Jockwell: I haven't forgotten your stupid face, we're going to settle unfinished business...-(moans in pain).-SHIT!

Jockwell was hit in the face with a plant pot thrown by Rayna.

Rayna: leave my husband, idiot!-(angry and scared)

Hoodlum: It's the girl!-(surprised)

Jockwell: Young lady, who is this little creature?-(approaches abruptly)

Rayna: That's none of your business!

Jockwell cheekily grabs Rayna's wrist causing Raymond to freak out.

Rayna: Agh! Let me go!

Jockwell: This little one we won't take them...


Raymond with all the courage to see that they wanted to hurt and take Rayman, he knocks out the Hoodlum with a blow to take the shotgun away and shoot Jockwell in the back shoulder, leaving him immobile.

Raymond: STAY AWAY FROM MY SON AND MY WIFE!! SON OF A BITCH!!- (with a lot of anger and courage)

In that, Raymond drops the weapon to go to Rayna and Rayman to see if he had no damage or scratches.

Raymond: Are you okay? Didn't he hurt you? How is Rayman?-(worried)

Rayna: We're fine... Are you okay?-(worried and scared)

Raymond: Yeah, just get out of here...

Rayna didn't think twice and went for Raymond's gift and they left the house, leaving all the beautiful things they had together with Rayman.

In that he was surrounded by many Hoodlums with a thirst for revenge for harming Jockwell.


Raymond: Let's leave alone! Run Rayna!


They both run away from those around them and then throw a bomb at them and Raymond later throws it at them.

Rayna: There are many!

Raymond: I'll take care of it! Hide as far away with Ray, then I'll catch up with you.

Rayna: But Raymond!-(worried)

Raymond: I WANT THEM TO BE SAVED! DO WHAT I TOLD YOU!-(he said with anger and concern)

Raymond grabs the bottle and looks for the angle to explode them so he can lose sight of them.

Raymond: Swallow this!-(throws the bomb)

His plan worked and some of them were destroyed and others were hurt. Deeper in the woods, Raymond was looking for his wife and son.

Raymond: Rayna! Are they there?

Rayna: Here we are!-(comes out of a bush)

Raymond: Thank God they're okay.-(hugs her with great relief)

Rayna: I'm scared Raymond...this got much worse than last time...-(scared as her tears fall)

Raymond tries to calm her down a bit, then wipes away her tears and comforts her with his sweet, calm voice.

Raymond: hey, calm down yes, we'll be fine. I just want to get those monsters away from us so I can have a calm life. I promise.


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