Chapter 3: An Icey Planet

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The four landed on the snowy plain of Jarilo-VI. The snow crunched as they walked between the mountain walls near them. Bileam led the four, before coming to a stop to admire the snow. March and Stelle looked on in awe, as Dan Heng closed his eyes and reopened them.

Dan Heng: Jarilo-VI, we're here.

March: Brrr. It really is one big snowball.

March shivered from the cold temperature of the planet. Bileam, noticing this, offers her his hoodie, to which she accepts.

March: Thanks!

Bileam: No problem..

To keep himself from getting cold, he summoned a white track jacket, and put it on, zipping it all the way up, keeping him warm.

Noticing their surroundings, March sighed. The snow was falling, and fast. Everywhere they looked, the white color of snow filled their vision.

March: Snow as far as the eye can see. Which direction should we take?

Dan Heng: Based on the coordinates, the target should be up ahead.

March: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Stelle: I didn't know we would be hiking..

March: Me neither, if only we had a snowmobile... We never get to bring anything cool from the Express.

Dan Heng deadpanned at the pink haired girl, remembering what she did to the last snowmobile. Stelle gained somewhat of a smug look, when Dan Heng asked March if she remembered what she did to their last snowmobile.

March avoids the question, before noticing something was missing.

March: ...Wait? Where's Bileam?

The other two gain a look of confusion, not knowing that the white haired male had left a while ago. The three looked at one another, before going off to find Bileam. In the distance, red lightning shined through the foggy snow, revealing the location of Bileam to the other Trailblazers.

Once they arrived at his location, they noticed him with a large great sword on his shoulder. It is silver with red areas in design. Lightning sparked off of Bileam, and the sword too, as dust from Fragmentum monsters flew away.

Bileam stood next to a strange golden shining root thing, as he poked it with his sword. The Trailblazing trio walked up to him, as Stelle texted Welt about the strange thing.

Stelle: Apparently it's a Calyx.

Bileam: Interesting.

Dan Heng: Let's move on. Together this time.

Feeling targeted, Bileam lazily fake gasps, before walking with the rest of the group. They took out some Fragmentum monsters on their way to find signs of civilization, but they suddenly stopped when they noticed a strange pile of snow.

March: Hey, get outta there or you'll shiver to death.

No response came from the snow pile. The group got a little more impatient when the person didn't answer them.

March: Holding your breath won't help...

Again, no answer this time. Bileam and Dan Heng looked at each other as an idea came between the two of them.

Dan Heng: Bileam and I got this March.

Dan Heng: If someone has their head stuck in the sand, or snow in this case...

Bileam: *Maliciously smirks* ...they just need a little help.

Both Dan Heng and Bileam each get out their respective weapons, and lightly stab the snow pile warranting a cry of pain from the person inside. Out of the snow, comes a purple haired male with green eyes, in a maroon jacket and dress pants.

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