The moon is beautiful, isn't it?

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Can't believe that Murtasim did something wrong with her. So this is our MeerAsim in parallel universe, madly in love and understanding.

Meerab and Murtasim were each other's best friend as long as they  could remember. As Meerab's mother, Nadia passed away in the labour, Ma begum raised her like her own child. She was more attached to Ma begum than her own father.

And Murtasim, his world seemed to revolve around his Meerab. Whenever she felt sad about her father's absence he would sit with her and make every attempt just to see her smile again.

Maryum was her sister she never had. They ate together, laughed slept, played and what not.

But one day it all changed. Or to say her Murtasim changed.

When their phupho, Samantha Rehman and her husband Fawad Rehman died in a car accident, their daughter Haya came to stay at with them.

And she snatched everything from her.

As she lost her  parents in a young age, Maryum consoled her and started to be with her more. And it was always them. Whenever Meerab went to them, Haya just shooed her away. Her poor heart was broken.

Then came Murtasim. His attention divided between her and Haya. He laughed with her, made her laugh. And that didn't seem well to her. Wasn't this gesture just for her only?

Haya was too touchy to say. She would just keep her hand around his arms, pull his checks. And he didn't seem to notice. Why?

Does he like her doing that?

No it can't be. She just can't lose her sister, her best friend. But she had nothing to do.

After someday, Murtasim shifted to London for his higher studies. Just before the night of his departure, they were sitting on the terrace. Alone.

"So, you are leaving tomorrow!" She pathetically started the conversation.

"Yes. For 4 years." He whispered.

"Go. Just don't forget me please." She dreaded it. Period.

"Meerab, I just can't forget you even if I want to. You are my best friend. The one who knows me the most." He then pulled out a beautiful bracelet from his pocket.

"Always wear this. I really wanted to gift you something else but for now this seems to be perfect."

"Thank you." And it was silence again until he softly called her.



"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"There is no moon you duffer. The sky is dark, look carefully. "She scoffed.

He just smiled. A smile that conveyed everything. His longing, love, pain, happiness.

Only if she wasn't too naive to understand that time.!

It was after somedays of his departure, she found Haya flaunting the same bracelet in her wrist.

"Meerab, see Murtasim gave this to me. Pretty isn't it? He especially brought it for me. So sweet."

She just looked at her blankly. Did she really lost her best friend?

She blankly looked at her smiling face and left the place. She couldn't just digest the fact that he did this to her. She just cried and cried until sleep took over her. It felt like she lost everyone today.

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