Part 19

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***Peyton's POV***

I wake up to Niall shaking me awake.

"Sweetheart, you need to wake up. The babies need feeding. I would but ... I kinda don't carry boobie milk!" he says with a smile.

"Okay. I need a nurse to show me how. Can you go get one." He nods as I ask this.

Niall leaves the room and minutes later he walks back in with a nurse.

"Good morning Miss Tomlinson!" the nurse says in a gentle tone.

"Oh please, call me Peyton!" She nods and smiles. I continue "Niall can you please leave until I am done." he nods and exits the room.

"Okay Peyton. I am going to bring each of your babies one by one up to you and then I will tell you what to do!" she says as she starts rolling incubators into my room.

She walks up to one and opens it. She gently grabs my baby boy out of his incubator.

"This is your oldest baby. Now while I am here I am going to get all their names!" she continues "What would you like to call your first baby boy?" she asks.

"I am going to call him Zack William Tomlinson!" she nods as she writes it down on his birth certificate.

"He was born at 5:09pm at 6.08 pounds" she says. After that she taught me how to breastfeed Zack. Once I finished holding him for a few minutes she put him back in his incubator. She then walked up to the next incubator and gently grabbed out my next baby boy.

"This is your second oldest baby boy. He was born at 5:29pm at 7.01 pounds. What would you like to name him?" she says

"I am going to name him Noah William Tomlinson!" she nods and writes his name down on his birth certificate. I breastfeed Noah and hold him for a bit as well before she puts him back in his incubator.

She walks over to my baby girls incubator and gently takes her out as she says "This is your first baby girl. she is 3rd oldest and second youngest. She was born at 5:36pm at 5.07 pounds. What would you like to name her?"

"I am going to name her Nyla Marie Tomlinson!" I say as I start breastfeeding Nyla. Once I hold her I hand her over to the nurse who puts her back into her incubator.

She walks over to the last incubator and says "Well this is your surprise baby girl! She kinda snuck in at the end. She is your youngest! She was born at 5:57pm at 5.01 pounds! What would you like her name to be?"

"She definitely was a surprise! I will name her Amy Elizabeth Tomlinson!" I say while breastfeeding Amy. Once finished the nurse puts her back into her incubator.

"Now I can keep the incubators in here, but it would be in your best interest to be quiet so that they can sleep! You have quite the amount of visitors, would you like me to let them in?"

"Yeah you can send them in, but can you tell them to be quiet?" she nods as she walks out the door.

Minutes later Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Lottie (with Ernie in her arms), Fizzy (with Doris in her arms), Phoebe and Daisy walk in. They all have the biggest smile on their faces as they walk in quietly. They all sit in the chairs surrounding my bed.

"How are you doing?" asks Harry

"I've been better. Did you guys hear?" They all shake their heads as I ask this. I continue "I had a surprise baby in my womb... I had quadruplets! I had two boys and two girls!" Everyone except for Louis and Niall look in shock as for those two were in the delivery room with me so they found out the hard way.

"Congratulations Peyton!" they all whisper yell to me.

I smile while thanking them.

"Liam, can you go ask the nurse when we can all leave?" he nods as he walks out of the room in search for my nurse.

10 minutes later, Liam walks in saying that we can leave now since the babies and I are healthy. Best news ever! I can sleep in a comfortable bed and take my babies home!

"I already have the carriers inside the waiting room. I am five steps ahead of you guys! Since I am Zayn. Zayn Malik." Zayn says in a James Bond voice!

I laugh as I tell him to go get them with Harry. They bring them into the room and set them on the floor.

"Okay I am going to go change first. Don't do anything stupid!" I say while pointing my finger at all of them.

I walk into the bathroom and immediately see a drained and tired woman in the mirror. I look terrible! I wash my face with water to freshen up my face slightly. I grab an elastic and put my hair into a messy bun. I quickly take off the sweaty hospital gown and replace it with my clothes from my baby bag. I am now in sweats and a T-shirt.

I walk out of the bathroom and place the gown onto the bed nicely. I walk over and take Zack out of his incubator and place him into his carrier. I buckle him up and place a dark blue blanket onto him. I hand Louis his carrier and warn him to be careful.

I walk over and take Noah out and then gently place him inside of his carrier. I buckle him up and then place a light blue blanket onto him. I hand Niall the carrier and tell him to be careful.

I then walk over and take Nyla out and place her into her carrier. I buckle her up and then place a pink blanket on her. I then hand Liam her carrier and tell him to make sure that he and the other boys are careful.

Lastly I walk over and take my surprise baby Amy out and place her into her carrier. I buckle and place a purple blanket on her. I then hand her to Zayn and tell him that he better be careful or else he is going to die! I then walk out of the room with everyone. Harry being the amazing person he is goes and signs out for me.

We all make our way into the lobby.

"boys, make sure the sun shield is up so my babies aren't blind. Fizzy and Lottie make Doris and Ernie put their face into your necks. Phoebe and Daisy come hold onto my hands and look down!" Everyone nods and Daisy and Phoebe come hold either of my hands. We all walk out of the hospital and immediately flashes of paparazzi start going off like wildfire.

Eventually we make it to the cars safely. The boys put all the carriers in. Fizzy and Lottie put Ernie and Doris into their carriers. Phoebe and Daisy sit in their booster seats. Everyone else then gets into the separate cars as we head off home!

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