Chapter Three: Tears...?

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"Screech...? Screech!" Halt exclaimed, trying to get Screech's attention. He had been busy talking to the group, and clearly got distracted. "OH, HI HALT! DID YOU GET SEEK'S PERMISSION TO PLAY ROMEO??" Screech asked excitedly. Halt nodded. "Y-yes, I did... I may have lied a bit to do so, though... I m-mean, you know how Seek hates Figure." He replied, a little nervously. Screech grinned. "THAT'S OKAY! AS LONG AS HE AGREED. WE'RE GONNA GO SEE FIGURE NOW, AND GET HIM TO AGREE TOO!! SEE YA LATER!!!" He cried energetically. He turned back around, said something unintelligible to the group of entities, and they headed off, leaving Halt behind.

"My goodness, I will never understand that entity's level of energy..."


As the entities approached the Library, they noticed something strange. Usually Figure made this sort of "purring" noise, and you could hear it from outside the Library, but today... it was completely silent. Just the sound of... well, sobs. It sounded like he was crying.


Figure was sitting down on the floor of the Library, his face in his hands. The entities weren't fully sure how Figure could cry, since he didn't have eyes, but he was making sob noises – he was definitely upset.

Gently, the entity looked up from his hands after hearing Screech's voice. Screech was the only one who talked just then, but he could sense more entities were nearby. He tried forming a smile. "Oh, good afternoon, entities. I am doing well." He replied, a little robotically. Screech frowned. "ARE YA SURE?? YOU LOOKED A LITTLE UPSET A SECOND AGO..." He asked, concerned. Figure sighed. "Y-yes, Screech, I'm fine, it's just... you know how Seek can be with his words, haha..."


"Well, y-yes, I suppose that's one way to put it." Figure murmured. "Anyway, what are you all doing here for? It's not often you all visit me at once. It sounds like there's a lot of you here, but correct me if I'm wrong." He added, trying to switch topics. "O-OH YEAH, WE'RE HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT OUR GREAT PLAN!! WE'RE SETTING UP A PLAY, AND WE'D LOVE YA TO PLAY JULIET...!" Screech stammered. Figure chuckled softly. "Oh, I don't think I can do that." He replied quietly.

"Hey Figure, Seek's playing Romeo..." Jack whispered with a grin. 

Instantly, Figure perked up. "W-wait, you're serious? Was he okay with that...?" He stammered nervously. Jack nodded, even though he knew Figure couldn't see him. "Yeah! Of course he was!" He replied, as if it were obvious Seek would be fine with it. "You are aware he hates me, aren't you?" Figure asked with a disappointed sigh. "Uh, yeah... but it's a love-hate relationship! It'll be fine. He agreed, anyways, that's the main thing." Jack replied sheepishly. Screech grinned, like always. "SO, ARE YA IN??" He asked excitedly. Figure sighed again. "Well, I suppose I am." He muttered, blushing a little.


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