Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:

They stayed in Diagon Alley for a few days; after such a long journey all three of them felt as if they desperately needed a few days of rest. They were also a step ahead of Rookwood, which made them feel a bit better about sitting back and not jumping straight into everything. Either way, their plan was on pause right now, as they didn't even know where Rookwood exactly was. But Astoria had hope that those coordinates from that woman had something to do with it.

"I haven't told Ominis and Sebastian what I think yet... I just don't want them stopping me because they think it's a trap." She thought to herself. Yes, she understood there definitely was a risk of finding out where this was. But she had the wand! With that wand specifically, she was more powerful than she had ever been with a normal wand. And if Rookwood was there, it was the perfect time to strike and bring safety back to the wizarding world before it got too dangerous.

She had thought through this a thousand times anyway, she knew the risk, but it was a risk she was willing to take. And besides, they would have plenty of time to think it over since Astoria needed to find out where this paper would even take them.

Astoria did realize that she was a bit more paranoid about certain things ever since getting the wand. She was constantly checking the leather box to make sure that it was still there, making sure that it hadn't gone missing. One risk she couldn't take was losing it to somebody who didn't know how to use it or losing it to somebody who did know how to use it and abuse that power.

She took a deep breath and got up off her bed, leaving the room she was staying in at The Leaky Cauldron and walking one room over to where Sebastian and Ominis were staying. She knocked on the door, waiting to open it until she heard a "Come in,".

Astoria opened the door, stepping in and shutting it behind her. Ominis was sitting in an armchair, reading a book, his wand hovering over the pages while Sebastian just seemed to be laying down, looking up at the ceiling. When Sebastian realized who it was, he propped himself up on his elbows and smiled. "Hey,"

Astoria smiled back. "Hi." ...Well that was certainly awkward.

She took a deep breath before releasing it. "I have to talk to you guys about something. And before you guys freak out, you just have to hear me out, okay?" She said, looking back and forth at the two men. Her fingers were tapping around each other while she waited.

"Go ahead Tori, we won't judge," Sebastian reassured her.

There was that nickname again

"Okay, so... that paper that woman gave me." She started. "I have a feeling that's where Rookwood is. I know it seems skeptical and a risk– maybe even a trap but it is the only lead we have right now to where Rookwood may be. If we don't take it, maybe we'll never find him before he finds us and takes the advantage. It's a risk I'm willing to take while we have the upper hand."

There was silence in the room that made Astoria start sweating. Ominis suddenly broke it, although his head never turned towards the sound of her voice, it just stayed blindly staring ahead. "Do you even know where said place is? Or where to find it?" He asked.

Astoria sighed. "No, I don't. But I have a... friend who might be able to help with it." She said, "Look, I know, I know it is a risk but it is the only lead we have! If we don't take it now we may regret it later, and I don't think any of us want to regret anything here."

Sebastian sighed, shaking his head. "Nobody said anything about not doing it, Astoria." He said, trying to find the right words to say. "It's just a risk, and you know Ominis and I don't want you getting hurt, and I doubt we'd want to get hurt either. Rookwood is not exactly the... merciful type, and who knows how ruthless he is now? Those run in with those Poachers have been much more violent than they were eleven years ago. And the fact that they are even still around and fighting for him is astounding!"

Passion | | Sebastian Sallow *under slight editing*Where stories live. Discover now