Chapter 6 : Deadly Choice

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Ah yes. Chapter 6 is another single. Not in 2-3 parts. Im planning for there to be about 7 - 9 chapters in this book so. WERE ALMOST FINSIHED NOO :( and I might delete one of the off topic story parts so- idk and bro there's a god damn baby mosquito in here😭

( Author note : I'm so pissed rn. I was in the middle of writing the story and whattpad crashed because it was getting updated and NOTHING SAVED. So now I have to re write it all😭 )

After Cody got off the call with red he would now exit the building and meet up with the rest of the crew outside.

Cody : Geez! It's like a maze in there!

Amanda : Cody. How long have you been in this college? You should know you're way around by now dude.

Cody : I-... Sorry!

Amanda : Don't be sorry. You should just know you're way around by now. Now open you're computer and start tracking that bus.* Cody.. He's tired of wishing. *

( Author note 2 : K-12 REFERENCE!? )

Cody would do so as they enter the car. He would then open the computer and track down that bus as instructed.

Scamper : There's litterley nowhere for me to sit in this 5 seat ass car-

Madison : Looks like you'll have to stay behind * She makes a sad face to piss him off * Looks like you'll have to stay behind and go to sleep like the big baby you are. And watch the big guys do the job. Baby fa-

Scamper : SHUT. THE FUCK. UP.

Madison : Damn okay femboy.

Scampers anger and rage start to build up more. He seriously wants to punch Madison but that would be Sa.

{ Scampers Mind : Curse these god damn laws in Shitmerica }

Sam : We have to go guys it's now or never. If we don't save ( Your name here ) in time go knows what could happen. So Scamper just sit on somebody's lap.

Scamper : can't I just sit in the trunk?

Sam : JUST. Sit. On somebody's lap.

Zander : Buddy I'm right here.

Scamper started blushing lmao

Scamper : Okay-

* Scamper then sits on zanders lap *

( Author note 3 : LMAO WE GET SOME GAY BEHAVIOR <3 Also at the time im editing this chapter and continuing to write for it. Chapter 2 of rainbow friends came out so i just wanna say that the lookies are my babies 😭 )

Madison : Aww! That's so cute you skittles

Zander : Madison please. Stfu.

*Time skip*

The crew is now near oddworld...

( Author note 4 : Boring. Let's spice this shizz up )

Sam : Okay so odd world should be around here somewhere. * Sam says as he looks out the window but someone with white hair is there *

Amanda : Wait a minute who the hell is that?

* Sam rolls down the window to speak to this guy *

Sam : Excuse me sir are you lost?

??? : No. I'm heading to oddworld, What about you?

*Sam then looks at him in shock. He realizes something. He realizes that they can work together*

Sam : Were also going to odd world... You see uhm. Me and my friend tried to go stop what the heck was going on at the place and uhh. My friend Y/n ended up getting kidnapped by some strange unknown person..

??? : That wasn't a very smart decision then. Is there anybody else in that car with you?

* Madison rolls down the window to show her, scamper, Zander and Cody. And in the front Amanda peeps out her head to show she's there too *

??? : Oh, Five of you! Excellent. Say. What if we work together? I can help you rescue you're friend and I can get Revenge on an old ex friend, work buddy of mine. Deal?

Sam : Deal sir.

??? : Excellent. Now if I remember correctly. Odd world was somewhere overe there * he points further down the road *

Sam : Cody, check the GPS and see if that's right.

Cody : O-okay. * he quickly looks on the GPS * Yeah.. it's right!

??? : You guys have a GPS? Fantastic!

* the now group of 6 approaches odd world and they finally see the bus wreck ahead of them *

??? : My golly! What on earth had happened here?

Sam : It's a long story- but this is the place our bus crashed obviously. * The group starts to get out if the car but then zander points something out *

Zander : Look! There's a path over there.

Sam : That must be the trail to whatever the heck that place was.

Cody : Wait! Should we go to that glowy rainbow circle over there? * Cody points to the Farris wheel that's a load of feet away *

Madison : Hey codster. Why don't you go look at it if you're so curious to know what it is.

* Amanda then pulls Madison to the side and tells her *

Amanda : Okay we are Not! Sending him by himself! God knows what stupid ass trouble he'll get himself into! And plus it would be bad if he went on his own anyways!

Madison : then you should go with him! Make sure his dumbass stays out of trouble!

* Madison says in her convincing sly voice to make Amanda agree but Cody starts walking in the direction of the Farris wheel *

Zander : Cody, What the hell are you doing?

Cody : Going to the circle Like Madiison said to!

you go with him and I can repla- I mean fill in for you! Dosnt that sound good? * Amanda then looks at Madison with Concern. Like Madison is gonna do something behind her back *

Amanda : Alright then... * Amanda then whispers to scamper * keep an eye on Madison. She's concerning me A lot.

Scamper : No problem. I will. A

Amanda : Alright thanks. Gotta follow that dumby. * Amanda then runs after Cody * CODY WAIT! IM COMING WITH YOU!

* Cody and Amanda walk off deeper into the street. Leaving the rest of them. Madison seemed satisfied with what she just convinced Amanda to do *

Madison : Works like a charm.

Sam : What?

Madison : Nothing! Just talking to myself. * Madison holds her fingers crossed behind her back *

Sam : Uhmm. Okay?

* Madison smiles as Sam seems to look away.. it's like she WANTS Cody to die.. *


DAMN WEVE GOT SOME SHIT STARTING- I tried to make this chapter longer but I failed at doing so 😣 Not quitting this story untill ITS FINISHED. We've got at least 3 - 5 more planned chapters to go! Ik I can do it! ( trying to promote myself fr )

I'm going to south Carolina for vacation tommorow🤪🤪🤪 Happy pride month and ZEsTy FeSt. -Bisexual person

Edit : I think I'm gonna make a welcome home one shots book😤😤

Also happy early 4th of July guys!

Edit 2 : Buckle up everybody! Chapter 7 bouta be a wild and possibly longer ( longest ) chapter

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