Chapter 3

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enjoy this for me!

it's long so idk have fun

We ended up going to the party anyway. I felt terrible, but I still was going to have fun. Eleni and I made sure not to get stuck apart, and we brought our own drinks because last time, Eleni was drugged with the spiked drinks, and I had to get her to the hospital quickly.

Maybe that's why Kyros didn't want her to go to this party–gosh–what have I done? She's his only family; of course, he wouldn't want anything to happen. Ugh, I guess it's my turn to apologize.

"Hey, Aris," I hugged my brother tightly, then moved on to his girlfriend, Dalia. "Hey, sweetheart," I said.

I love using endearments for people. It's something I never shied away from, except for when I'm with Kyros.

"Hey, Anna," she said, smiling.

"Hey, you both," Eleni came back from playing ping pong or whatever. "Listen, hey Aris, hello Dalia, but Thomas, the swim team captain, wants to fuck me, and I've been denying him for too long; my vagina can't take it. Go home now because I am leaving with Thomas."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Well, I guess I'm leaving."

Dalia laughed. "Bye, babes,"

"Yea," Aris teased. "Bye, babes."

I laughed, shoving him. "Bye, loves," I blew them each a kiss before grabbing my things and leaving.

I got to my apartment safely; I saw Eleni and Thomas outside the party just before leaving, making out.

I sighed. One day, you'll have your dream guy who's somehow taller than you and won't put his hands on you.

Let him come soon, God. I want my turn.

As I was getting out my keys from my bag, I felt the sudden panic that someone was watching me. I looked around; it was dark, and the stars weren't enough to light up the whole block. Our college dorms were set up like ghetto motels, part of the reason mom allowed my father to get me an apartment for my birthday.

I sighed shakily, remembering Mason. Theodore told me that Mason got a very professional lawyer, and with no evidence on my part, not even myself, I basically made Mason a free man.

I know it was stupid, but Mason hasn't bothered me since, hasn't blown up my phone, or followed me anywhere. I thought I was safe...until now.

I yelped as two hands snaked around me, one covering my mouth and one constricting my stomach. I tried to struggle, but there wasn't much I could do in a tight mini-skirt and heels.

The person turned me around, caging me between them and my door, and that's when I realized who it was. "M–Mason, please don't hurt me."

He smiled sinisterly. "But you hurt me, baby; you left me." He said with clenched teeth, tightening his hold on my neck. "You called the cops on me," he smacked my face so hard my neck strained as I yelped and cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me," I sobbed.

"You're not sorry," he said. "If you were, you wouldn't be whoring your body out for other men!" He slapped me again, and I cried out in agony as he began to choke me.

My face was burning, my lungs were burning, and my body was turning weak as the oxygen left it. I tried hard to claw his hands off and breathe through my nose and mouth, but it was no use if it wasn't getting to my lungs.

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