(32) Because of him

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Rage filled my ears as I heard this. "Listen up, I am not going to stand here and listen to you f*cktards insult me and make fun of me. That isn't okay, and that's low for you, Crew, to get me to forgive you. You think you can make up a story and solve my miseries by giving me a fake murderer? Go to hell."

"Lilly, I-"

"Lilly, I'm honestly not lying. Neither is Crew. He's been wanting me to tell you this for months now, but it's been me who's been holding back.

I'm sorry Lilly. I really did kill your parents. It was June 25th, at around 12 midday. You were in a red honda, a man with thick curly hair-your father i presume-and blue eyes, pale was in the drivers seat. That's as much as I can remember. I'm really sorry Lilly."

But he didn't seem sorry at all as he got up and walked away from me.

I stayed frozen in my seat, not really believing this. Did he really not expect me to call the police?! How could he be so calm about this? About killing my parents?!

"I'm gonna f***king kill you Jordan!!!" I shrieked, shooting out of my seat and onto Jordan's back. He fell forward, his head banging into the edge of a table on the way down. Serves him right!

"Sh*t!" I heard Crew cuss and Jordan groaned.

"You little mother f**ker! How could you? And how does it seem like nothing to you?!!" I punched his nose, glad when I saw him bleeding. I punched him and elbowed him and kneed him. I don't even know how I was capable of doing so. He was tryig his hardest to block my punches, but I guess my adrenaline level was really high. I beat him to pulp like my life depended on it, until I heard footsteps.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me off of the little dipsh*t.

"Get off of me!" I shrieked, kickig and trying to hit Crew. "I need to kill the bastard! He deserves to die!!" I yelled, thrashing around.

I watched a students gathered around Jordan as Crew pulled me out of the cafeteria and back outside. He set me on my feet once we were on the grass.

"What's wrong with you? You knew!" I punched his chest. "You f*cking KNEW! And you didn't tell me! And you defended that dumbass by pulling me off of him!!" I yelled, pounding him.

He let me do so for a few seconds, receiving punch after punch from me. He got tired of it after a while, restricting my wrists in his hands.

"Lilly," he called me softly.

"No!! HE killed them!"

"Lilly," he called again.

"You both are worthless!" I yelled.

"Lilly," he called again.

"My parents are DEAD! Because of HIM!"

"Lilly," he whispered.

My anger slowly faded, and I stopped struggling to punch him. Slowly, i realized something.

My parents were dead. And I just found their killer. "They're dead, Crew," I whipsered, feeling a tear drop from my eye. Once that one fell, gallons of tears rushed down my face. "M-my parents are gone. All because of Jordan frickin' Grey!" I whimpered.

I began hyperventalating, choking on my sobs. I was breaking down.

Crew released my wrists and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms all around me. I tugged at his shirt, needing a sense of comfort. I cried and cried into his chest for what felt like hours, never letting go of my death grip on his shirt.

"Both the most wonderful people in the world to me are gone, all because he got drunk," I cried.

He rubbed my arms up and down, snuggling his nose into my hair. And for some reason....it felt right. I felt safe.

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