My Child 2.

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"Hello ma'am, its St Peter's hospital, your child had an accident close to school please, the hospital needs you here,".....

......That was all i was hearing, luckily Asher drove faster and we got to the hospital, we asked some nurses before we found the one that knew Lizzy's ward, she directed us to the second floor, ward 29, I didn't let her finish, I ran towards the elevator and Asher followed, we got out of the elevator and met with a doctor who wanted to use the same elevator, I stopped him before he could get in,
"Sir, good day, I have a child who got here today, she had an accident,"I said in a rush,
"Oh, your the mother, well, I'm the doctor treating her, she'll be though, come with me," he said to us and led us to the ward, I got inside and saw my baby lying on the bed, I was about to touch her, then I heard Donna's voice, I walked out of the ward and hugged my sister in fear, she comforted me by saying soothing words while rubbing my back,
"Ma'am,"the doctor called to my attention,
"We ran a test on the child and we figured she has chronic asthma, as a child she would have died but she fortunately lucky,"he said and walked out,
"Chronic asthma? How?"I was breaking down in front of everyone,
"It's ok, at least she isn't dead, let's be grateful for one thing"Donna advised and released me from her hug,
"Grateful for being alive and having chronic asthma?? for a three years old?"I asked in anger and bitterness, I was so bitter I didn't know Liam had come, I didn't seem to care upon feeling the tension rising in him to see Asher there, he turned his attention to me, he walked closer,
"Bell, I'm so sorry, everything will be fine, ok?"he said in concern and kissed my forehead,
"I'll have to go, Jimmy and Jules are still in school, if I am through with them, I'll come back,"she said,
"There wouldn't be a need for that, just stay at home and relax, I'm fine, if I'm done here I'll come home,"I said and she smiled at me before leaving, just after she left the doctor came back,
"Ma'am, please the hospital will need you and your husband's signature on Bell's documents, the accident and also the asthma"he said, looking from me to Liam and Asher,
"I'm sorry, if there is no...."he was saying,
"I'll be..."Liam was also saying but Asher interrupted,
"There is a father, let's go,"Asher said and I smiled lightly as we followed the doctor, I could feel Liam's eyes burning through our backs, we signed and got out, thank you, I mouthed to him,he nod his head only and led us to Lizzy's ward to check on Liam but he had left, why would he just leave? the doctor said he was going to be treating Lizzy's asthma, that we could go and return in the morning saying she will be awake by then,
"Let me drop you off,"he offered, I nod my head bitterly, bitting my lips not to cry, we got to his car and he drove off.

I'm so sorry Bellarina's, Lizzy's just a child and im doing this to her, well she will be very fine later, cause healing takes a while, according to what you are healing from.
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