Wear A Nice Dress.

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(Tap on the media above it'll show Bell's outfit on this chapter).

Bell's POV..

I lay down looking up at my ceiling, the twirling fan, it was already twelve at noon but I couldn't stand up or move from the position I laid, last night's event flood into my head, I can't believe what Silvia said to me and I can't believe what happened between I and Asher, worse of all Sasha spoke to me rudely when I was about leaving,

'I know this whole shit is to win Asher back and the best plan is using your little Lizzy, look, Asher doesn't need you that's why he chose me, I'm far better than you and everyone knows it, stop this show of  yours, it's not working,'

Her words made me think and cry till I got home, why couldn't I stand up for myself? I shouted at Asher but I was a dumb when it got to Sasha, yeah, she's the stronger one.
Donna had left for the bakery, the twins went to school, Lizzy stayed back cause of slight fever pertaining to her illness, she should be with Aunt Giselle, I slowly sat up on the bed that's when I find out I have been silently crying, tears had dried on my cheek and fresh ones rolled down, my head was banging so was the person behind the door,
"Mum?"Lizzy's little voice called, I moved to the door and opened it, picking up my child,
"You're crying,"she said in concern as she tried wiping my tears, I chuckled,
"Nope baby, mummy just had something in her eyes, I'm fine,"I replied playfully, the sorrow in my voice was hard to hide,
"Mum, where is dad?"she asked me, unexpectedly, I had a shocked expression,
"I don't know,"I replied,
"Can you call him? Please? I miss him,"she pleaded, I have never refused to do anything for Lizzy before but this, is a task, I know I wouldn't but I have to else Lizzy would hate me, I do not want anything to jeopardize her health,
"Ok,"I replied, dropped her on the floor and picked my phone from the bed, I dialed Asher's number and it rang, as it rings my heart skips nervously, he picked the call on the third dial,
"Hey," he said,
"Hi, Asher, good morning,"I said back, looking at Lizzy,
"How are you?"he asked slowly,
"Lizzy wants to speak with you,"I said rashly and handed Lizzy the phone but putting it on speaker first,
"Hey sunshine, how are you?"he asked sweetly causing a bright smile on Lizzy's face, I love the look on her face whenever she hears his name or sees him,
"I'm fine,"she replied, I squatted beside her,
"That's good, where is pigeon?"he asked playfully, Lizzy giggled and looked at me, this two people are very cunning, Asher called me pigeon to Lizzy, really surprising,
"She's here,"Lizzy replied, giggling,
"Would you tell her I said I love her too?"he asked slowly, what??
"Yes, I will,"
"Daddy, I want to go to the beach today with you and mummy,"she said, pouting, oh no! Is she trying to hook us up?
"That's settled, tell mummy to prepare, I'll be there in ten minutes, love you,"he said and ended the call, Lizzy's happily handed me my phone,
"Mummy, daddy says he loves you too,"she said and giggled cause she knew I already heard their conversation,
"Wear a nice dress, daddy is coming,"she said and happily ran  from my room, this is a bad idea, I can't actually survive with Asher right beside me for heaven alone knows how long, I move to my bathroom to clean up, Asher's ten minutes is his ten minutes.

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