Insecure!Reader x Comforting!Blitzø

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(i thought of this oneshot last night at like 4 am bc i couldn't fucking sleep anyways i'll shut up now enjoy! :D )

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️ there is sex joke in this oneshot, so if ur uncomfy with that, feel free to skip this oneshot, i'll see u in the next, tysm for ur cooperation! :)

Your POV

"What the fuck am I gonna wear, god-fuckin'-damnit!" You groaned in frustration, adding even more articles of clothing to your pile of swimsuits behind you. It was summer and Blitzø had organized a beach date for the both of you. It sounded fun, of course, but swimsuits... they're... they're not your friend. You just hated that they always showed off your body no matter what you wore.

"Y/nnnnnn~! You almost ready?" Blitzø called out from the other side of the door of the room that you were in.

"Uhh... [You nervously looked at the pile of swimsuits behind you.] almost! Hold your horses!" You joked, knowing that Blitzø is obsessed- wait, no, obsessed is an understatement... more than obsessed! Yeah, way more than obsessed with horses.

Anyway, you could hear Blitzø's gasp of realization, followed by a cackle of laughter from behind the door. "HAHAHAHA! I'VE NEVER BEEN SO ATTRACTED TO YOU MORE THAN I AM NOW!" Blitzø exclaimed out loud. You chuckled and smiled, but then went back to deciding your swimming suit. Fuck. Uhh... this one looks ok! You grabbed a random swimsuit and threw it on. Of course, you hated the way it looked on your figure. It just made you look so... so-

*creeeeeak* "Are you sure you're almost ready-" Blitzø doesn't know how to knock, so he walked in on you looking disappointed in what you saw in the mirror.

"Oh, you're ready! Let's go, then... [He noticed the way you looked at your reflection in the mirror.] You okay?"

"Umm..." You crossed your arms across your torso and crossed your legs, deciding to just hide yourself with your arms and legs the entire beach date. "Yeah, I'm okay, let's g-" As soon as you were about to step through the door, Blitzø stopped you by putting his hands on your shoulders. "Uhh... Blitzø?" You noticed Blitzø was looking down, not saying anything. "Blitzø, I told you, I'm fi-"

"Y/n, shut the fuck up." You furrowed your eyebrows and opened your mouth to speak, but Blitzø just shushed you by placing a finger on your lips. "I know you're not fine, I saw the way you looked at yourself in the mirror." Blitzø looked up at you, revealing sad puppy dog eyes that were shedding tears. "You hate your body, don't you?" Blitzø escorted you back to the mirror. When you looked at yourself in the mirror again, Blitzø walked behind you and rested his hands on your shoulders.

"...You know what I see, Y/n?"

"A disappointment?"

"Not me, you! You know what I see in your reflection, Y/n?"


"I see the sexiest, hottest, cutest fucking demon I've ever seen in Hell. You're adorable from head to toe..."

"But..." You clutched your stomach. Blitzø rested a hand on top of the hand on your stomach.

"That includes your stomach. I think you should be proud of it..."


"Because... I'm gonna put a baby in there someday."

Your eyes widened as you felt heat rising to your cheeks. Blitzø giggled, seeing your flustered face. He always did.

"Wow, way to ruin a moment." You joked, chuckling.

"You laughed though!"

"Did not!" You laughed, teasing Blitzø.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did t- SHIT, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE, LET'S GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Blitzø grabbed your hand, racing to the car.

Bonus oneshot:

at the beach, y'all both made sandcastles, played in the water like children, and dropkicked a 7 year old :)

(*aggressive snort of laughter* wear ur water, drink ur sunscreen and most importantly...
we all want what we can't have. OddFrog, out.)

Word Count: 664

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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