M.O.L - CH . 1

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[ Make Up? Break Up. ]

"I think we should break up."

Wendy TestaBurger, one of the most prettiest girls in South Park had asked Stanley Marsh to meet her at Starks Pond at 5 in the morning.

Maybe he shouldn't have showed up, he could've stayed at home; asleep in his bedroom, considering he has to get ready for school in about an hour or two.

Who knew this was going to happen? Certainly not Stan, considering he's not sure what he did wrong.

Stan took his hands out of his dull blue hoodie, staring up at the girl in front of him; face full of disbelief. His shoulders were sorta slumped and he wanted to cry right there and then.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Stan asked being genuinely confused, trying to get some explanation.

Wendy took a deep breath before exhaling, putting her hands slightly up as if she's trying to calm down a furious dog.

"No.. I just think this isn't working out. You haven't done anything."


They stood there in silence, before Wendy walked up to Stan, giving him a hug.

Stan wrapped his arms around Wendy's waist as his head was rested against the Magenta sweater she was wearing.

They stood there for a moment before Wendy backed up, having a small smile on her face and a sad expression.

Stan started to scratch the side of his face, he stared at Wendy, waiting for her to say something since he was at a loss for words.

She clasp her hands together and placed them in front of her stomach. "Can we at least still be friends?" Wendy questioned, hoping he'd say yes.

Stan blinked a few times before nodding his head.

"Yeah, we can." He replied.

She smiled before checking her purple-cased phone to look at the time, she turned it off and put it back in her pajama pants pocket.

"Alright, we might wanna get going it's almost 6 in the morning." Stan nodded before walking away heading towards the direction to his house, waving at Wendy while doing so.

His shoes continued to step against the snow and concrete underneath him.

Stan dragged his hands slightly down his face, his palms resting on his eyes.

Stan felt miserable and he didn't know why. But this happened every time they broke up.

His arms dropped to his sides as he continued to walk to his house, though he was lost in thoughts.

'Maybe we'd get back together in a few days? That happens all the time.' Though, Stan also felt like this was really the end of their relationship.

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