WOTFI 2022

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Plot: It's Smg4 VS Nintendo in a court case that will determine the fate of all non Nintendo IP's. How will it end? Has Smg4 made his last Meme or is it game over for Lawyer Kong?

(October 1st - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 24 weeks)

The Courthouse was silent with worry, the tension able able to be cut with a knife...

On one side of the Court, Nintendo Characters stood almost like robots, with the exception of Bob, Boopkins and Luigi. Desti and Killer Ink stood near the back, looking over to the other side with caution.

On the other side, Everyone from Smg4's group was gathered, shaking as all their lives were on the line.

On the Nintendo side, Lawyer Kong stared down Meggy on the Smg4 side. Smg3 and Crystal stood at her left, while Smg4 stood on her right shaking like a leaf.

And in between both of them, Mario stood looking bored as ever.

Mario: Can we go home now?

Getting people's attention, Kirby banged the gavel.

Judge Kirby: The Trial of Smg4 Vs Nintendo is about to begin! To catch everyone up, Nintendo has signed this DMCA stating that all non-Nintendo IP should be removed from the Mushroom Kingdom.

Lawyer Kong grinned as Desti growled at him from the stands...

Judge Kirby: However, the defence has provided this parody contract stating that Smg4 and friends are not in fact infringing on Copyright. Now with everyone caught up, let the case...begin!

With a bang of the gavel, the real battle began...

With that, Meggy officially went into Lawyer Mode.

Meggy: I'd like to start off my case with exhibit A: Mario. This Mario is clearly a different Mario from the one Nintendo talks about-

Lawyer Kong: OBJECTION! He's still Mario though! Look at this Red hat and Moustache-!

Meggy: OBJECTION! Don't interrupt me!

Lawyer Kong: OBJECTION! No, you!

Smg3: Hey, let her speak Damn it!

Lawyer Kong: OBJECTION! You don't get to speak, You pitiful Welp!

Smg3: Pitiful!? Alright, that's it! Fight me like a man you goddamn Ape!

Lawyer Kong: You want a piece of me!?!

Losing all sense of Lawyerly and therapy composure, Smg3 leapt over the stand and towards the opposite side as he and Lawyer Kong entered a brawl with punches being thrown back and forth.

Judge Kirby: Order! Order! Order!!!

Kirby repeatedly banged the gavel to break up the fight, while Mario chewed on Popcorn.

Mario: Hehe, court is fun.

Smg4 sighed as Crystal facepalmed. Lawyer Kong would win if he kept getting under people's skins. He had a new idea, moving to Judge Kirby and whispering something In his ear. A sinister Smile spread across his face...

Judge Kirby: Oh, I like that...

Kirby used his suction to swallow up Lawyer Kong and Smg3, spitting them back out to their opposing sides.

Judge Kirby: Okay, new plan for the court. We will settle this...with a war!!! A war of Fat Italians!!!

Meggy and Lawyer Kong both appeared floored as Crystal looked excited.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now