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i think i think too much

Aurora Holland

"So... you met a few of my friends," Paige told me as she pulled out of the mall parking lot. I just looked at her from the passenger seat, my fingers twirling the ring sitting around my finger. "You'll be seeing a lot of them."

"I'm sure I'll only see them around you," I couldn't help but reply.

"With the way Logan was looking at you? I'm not so sure. I usually have Logan's focus one hundred percent. He's not the type of guy to just not pay attention when you're talking." Paige side-glanced me, a faint smirk growing on her face.

"He was just being nice, the way they all do. To impress you." I excused, looking out of the window again.

Paige's car smelt like cherries. It was her favorite scent, and despite the fact she had numerous perfumes and body sprays, the majority of them consisted of something cherry or something with cherry in them.

"No, no I know Logan Jackson, he's a very respectful, generous guy." Paige gripped the steering wheel. "I don't think I've ever seen him give that much attention to anyone like that let alone make a fool of himself. The Jackson family is one of the biggest families in Riverway if not the biggest - they don't just make a fool like that."

"You're definitely overthinking it, but okay." I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Our dads work at the company with Logan's dad. I've been around him fairly enough despite school and being in the same friend group." Paige started, stopping at a red light. "If there's one thing I know about the Jackson brothers - is that they're untouchable."

Brothers? So Logan has a brother then? Why wasn't he around when we were at the mall?

"Logan didn't seem very untouchable to me," I said.

"I don't mean like that. I mean, it's hard to get their attention in more than a friendly way. Logan and his older brother Carter basically own Riverway. Their parents basically run the town. Think of Riverway as a city run by a King and Queen and think of the brothers as Princes. Everyone either wants to be with them, or be them." Paige continued, continuing her drive to my house.

"What is this... a cliche 2000s movie?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm being completely serious, Ror. I've witnessed Logan go on a couple of dates, but it's never anything more than that. He always cuts it off before it can go too far. Carter on the other hand..." She stopped for a moment, "Carter has only ever been known to be with one girl, and it didn't end well."

"Okay, but I've never been with a boy either and people don't assume I'm untouchable." I countered, watching as she turned into my neighborhood. 

"But the difference is they have people crawling at their feet to be with them, you don't." As soon as the sentence left her mouth, I realized she was right. As much as it hurts to hear, anyway.

I don't know this Carter kid, and I don't know Logan despite the introduction he gave me. All I know is if what Paige is saying about them is true, then I have nothing on them.

I've had feelings for a boy one other time before. Nothing happened out of it, obviously, as he was more interested in Paige and only ever bothered getting my number to get hers. Not to mention he only ever seemed interested in talking to me when he had to, which was when we would either pick up or drop off our siblings.

Yeah, I thought I was madly in love with my little brother's best friend's older brother. Tragic.

Also, that's such a big tongue twister. Little brother's best friend's older brother. Wow.

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