38 7 19

- Painkiller; Ruel -
- Voodoo Doll; 5 Seconds of Summer -
- jealousy, jealousy; Olivia Rodrigo - 

Aurora Holland

The moment my eyes landed on Carter's, they darted away. I was embarrassed, this was embarrassing. I barely knew him, but him seeing me get made fun of the way he had was enough for me to not worry about the utensils I hadn't grabbed. I zipped up the bag and pulled myself up from the floor, sitting at my table as if nothing happened. I kept my eyes down, hoping to God he wouldn't bring more attention to me.

Not only had I dealt with the attention Paige always brought, but now Elijah and Carter not to mention it's only second period and I've already managed to get bullied. I just want to go home and cuddle up in my bed and forget this ever happened.

I scratched at the skin on my hand, my eyes never leaving the desk in front of me. I read the title of my painting workbook over and over as if it changed each time, and became more interesting every single time I read it over. It wasn't, but I couldn't look at him. This was embarrassing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carter still crouched on the ground. It took everything in me to not look over at him, he was so close yet so far. Just as I thought he'd never leave, he finally stood up straight. He towered over me, especially since I was sitting down in the uncomfortable blue plastic school chairs.

He sat the remaining utensils I'd forgotten about on the table, pressing his hand flat as he leaned down over me. He was awfully close, I could smell a mixture of deodorant and cologne. He smelled good.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, Rory." He mumbled in my ear.

My mouth opened to respond, although I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say, it was as if he could read my thoughts. He didn't even see my face at this point, am I that much of an open book?

"Mr. Jackson, please take a seat." Mrs. Rosa spoke out loud, seeming to be waiting on him to start the class.

The entire class was looking at us, so I just kept my eyes on the workbook in front of me. I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut as I counted to three, hoping when I open them I'll be anywhere but here.

But unfortunately, this isn't a fairytale.

I moved my hand from scratching the top of my hand to twirling my ring, just to go back to scratching. I was overwhelmed, and I think it was mostly due to the amount of things that happened today. It was all too much, I felt like if anything else happened I might just throw up.

Carter's body moved away from mine, and I took a deep breath in relief. I felt like I was able to breathe, but it was short-lived as the seat next to me became occupied.

Occupied with Carter Jackson.

Gasps lightly echoed through the room, but I avoided looking. I know the girl next to me was probably more than pissed that Carter called her a bitch the way he had, but I knew looking to see her reaction would do nothing but anger her more.

It was as if they were surprised he sat next to someone, let alone me. Maybe it's wrong for me to give into the way they talk about Carter, I'd been hearing it off and on all day -- not including Paige's rants. I just didn't think she was so... right about everything.

Mrs. Rosa glanced at me with a slightly worried look but continued on with the class. Of course, just like in Ceramics, I was behind on everything. But just like before, Mrs. Rosa was very kind and helpful when it came to helping me catch up.

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