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Hey Guys so here we go......
Starts from the cliffhanger...☺️

Precap : Abhiram Krishnan entered and giving a speech 💬

Abhi: so yes guys today is most important day for me and this company also so.... first of all thank you all for being here and let me introdduce you all my beloved daughter.....

All were searching and looking entrance to see who is that

Abhi: chuckle and said wait wait whom are you searching for.....so let me show her Ms. shivangi Abhiram Krishnan my beloved one and only daughter and the new CEO of our company and also she is MD of  SA Groups of medical industries
And soon to be CEO for SA Groups of medical industries.... give her a round of applause

Sivu got up from her seat and went near her father she was overwhelmed by the applause she bow her head in respecting manner and stood beside her father

Abhi: okay I had introduced My love you guys can proceed further with your questions and queries

BM 1 : congratulations mam....as you were only chef consultant how you became as a CEO came we know the reason..... Ashwin also is there who is much more capable for this position

BM 2 : i hope our former CEO and president will have a good reason for this we would like to know about that

Abhi with smirk

Abhi : i know values of golds and diamonds...

I know Ashwin is rare and he is a diamond but my daughter is the precious pink diamond “Pink Star” which much more expensive and rare than anything 💜

I don't underestimate Ashwin ability but for him I'm his master or guide but for me she was a advisor and the situation handler so it's better to give this to her than Ashwin he will come to know about the main businessing in her guidance once she is thinking he is worthy enough we can make him CEO

Ashwin was in a rage but he can't say anything infront of his mentor because his mentor him self was not satisfied with his performance

Where Arjun was All happy with the Fact that his dream Medical industries is under his favourite person hand and he is fully confident that no harm will come to that hospital or that company

Where mani Hussain harshi Sri Sam were stunned with the decision of this

Abhi : ok now Ammu will Give further updates in changes ....

Sivu : Good evening everyone... Thank you for everyone who are present here for my special occasion...I'm really very thankful for you all and looking forward to working with you

So let me introduce our Food and hotels
Manager  Mrs Mani megalai Hussain

Sakthi Raj as Marketing executive director

Ashwin Roy as Chief Operational executive director for Real estate and constructions Unit

Sam Vishal as Media and telecommunication news Director

Hussain as RA educational institutions Executive director

And Ms Pavitra as our brand Ambassador for both RA groups of companies and SA Groups of medical industries

Remaining Srinisha post will remain as medical industries manager

Harshi will be assist for Sam

Rakshan will do as a manager for real estate and constructions Unit also will assist Ashwin if needs

Is there Any discussion feel free to ask

At the time with a rage Ayesha stood up

Aye: what the f*#k it's absolutely a bu# s*#t how can you simply remove me from brand ambassador and give some one else this place

At the time Pavitra entered the conference room with full of confidence and courage while carrying 2 files in her hand

At the time Pavitra entered the conference room with full of confidence and courage while carrying 2 files in her hand

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So welcome Miss pavitra
Sivangi said to her and sook her hand with smile

And smirked seeing those files in her hand

Sivu: so yes Ms .Ayesha i hope you are having your contact with our company with you can you readout ever terms and conditions in that or should my dear brother or manager Rakshan will do that for you

Ayesha didn't hear anything coz she was in a rage so rakshan came forward

And read out the terms and conditions

Conditions no 1. Ayesha will represent only RA company and RA groups brands in every occasion

2. In the contract period Ayesha or her name won't be flashed in any other products or companies media

3. In this contract period if Ayesha is not working for more than 3 products of our end and if the product is not reaching out the purpose of production her salary will be cut off as half amount then promised one

4. In contact period if company is leaving her then company will pay compensation amount for the lose

5. If any rules are broken by Ayesha company will terminate the contract and Ayesha have to pay 75 lakhs as a composition

6. Ayesha won't get involve in any other relationship apart from the business purpose if she is being with relationship with any of company members they both have to pay compensation of 50 lakhs each and also Ayesha will pay extra 75 lakhs as she broken the terms and condition

7. If any of company members are involved in this they will also  get suspended for 3 months from company and their current positions will get degraded

Rakshan read out those details clearly

In pavitra's file all those details are mentioned the same

So here we can clearly see everything which is mentioned here you have broken the terms and conditions so pay compensation and leave from the company if you missed a single penny definitely you will hell for sure

So here we are so this chapter was supposed to be posted yesterday but was not able to post so today I'm posting this will make next part as soon as possible

See yaaa
.with lots of love
Shameera 💜

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