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So continuing with the previous chapter: shivu is daughter of Abhiram Krishnan and shivu revealed about the contract

Sivu : so as per the terms and conditions as they broke the law of our office rakshan and Ashwin will get degraded from their current positions and Ashwin will get suspended for 3 months

And for you miss Ayesha you have to pay the amount of your composition and have to leave this office and if you dare to do anything evil mark my words you will get banned by both RA groups of companies and SA Groups of medical industries and also Prathap and group which enough to ban you from all of the business and media industry

Sivu roar like a lioness 😈

Pavitra sook her hand with sivu and smiled and went to abhiram took his blessings

( Pavitra sister of Akshay and sister to Sivu and Sitara and morra ponnu of pugazh refer cast to know she is dancer and model)

Pavitra sat beside Ashwin and Rakshan tension was filled in the room no one dared to speak up even Ashwin was feared of sivu at the moment

So the meeting's main purpose was to show everyone their current positions and also she was getting late to report her new hospital .......

Which is I'll reveal in upcoming episode

Arjun was so depressed to speak with sivu as  sivu still didn't notice him but abhiram did and smiles with a known smile

After few mins

Arjun : congratulations CEO mam it's nice to meet you I'm Arjun Das one of share holder and acting general manager of DAS groups

Sivu smirk and sook her hand with him with smile

Sivu : nice to meet you Mr.Das hope to work with your company in future

As she said Arjun smile grew wider and showed his dimple

And the same place 3 peoples are fuming in anger who are they let me know in comments

Sivu was checking out her watch and went near to her father and said something with him

Abhi : thank you every some the
Meeting is ended now please head back to your work guys and thank you for your valuable time

Sivu : thank you everyone we wish you all a very best and have a wonderful day

Sivu said and left the room following by Arjun and Ashwin

Sivu went to parking lot of the office to take her as she is late to attend her hospital's official first day the hospital which is going to join is not her's or her previous one

The hospital is her father's once upon a time friend and now enemy......

She hated the most Mr.Robert Ken
And his son  Mr. Alex Robert ken

A medico and management Person who had built A hospital for his sonalso created a very own lab for his medico experiment also for his son's practicing .....(will explain everything in upcoming episode about the father son duo)

Sorry for short one thought of introducing them  just make me correct if there is any mistakes

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Sorry for short one thought of introducing them  just make me correct if there is any mistakes

With love
Yours Shameera banu 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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