38 | A Little Baby Girl

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A little mild violence ahead. Read at your own risk.

Jungkook wished he wasn't at work

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Jungkook wished he wasn't at work. This was a first. He always loved to be busy and he loved his job. But mornings had started to be difficult for him.

The morning sickness had kicked his ass this morning. At least, that's what he thought he was experiencing. He tried drinking a glass of water and that made it way worse. He needed to make a doctor's appointment to get something for the nausea. He thought of calling his mom or sister to ask for advice, but he hadn't told them about his situation yet.

But, most importantly, he needed to talk to the child's father and discuss what they needed to do. He hated when he had to admit that Taehyung was right. He needed to be a grown-up and talk things out with him.

It just so happened that his gorgeous ass was sitting on the other side of the room on his laptop. He said he was working.

Taehyung had woken up gloating this morning because he had sexted Jungkook the night before. Tonight, he won't be so successful. Kook planned to not answer his texts. That'll show him.

Jungkook caught himself staring at him again. Tae looked like a modern-day Greek god as he was wearing a dark navy pin-striped suit with a dark navy shirt and red tie. He was looking rather sexy with the glasses on. Taehyung reminded him of a sexy librarian. The kind that would try to keep you quiet and say "shhh..." while fucking you against a bookshelf.

Uh oh, he caught him staring again.

"Need anything, Jungkook? Want a ginger ale for the sickness?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook hated when Tae was being all nice when he was having a hard time keeping his legs closed around him. Being with Tae, he learned that his most prominent love language is service. And Kim Taehyung served him on every level. 10/10. Or was Jungkook's love language service?

"No, I think I need to call the doctor and have him call me in something to the pharmacy, something to take."

"Well, call him up. If you have to see him, I'll go with you," he said. "When my sister was expecting, her nausea usually left by now so later in the morning. So, you need to get something called in or buy something over the counter."

They had never apologized for the argument they had gotten into over the tv shows. Taehyung was big on dealing with disagreements but he figured with the seriousness of their predicaments, he'd pick his battles wisely. He chalked the argument over the shows as hormonal on Kook's part or sexual frustration on his. Either way, the fight was absurd. So, Taehyung didn't bring it up.

"Jungkook, this is off-topic, but what are you doing for your birthday?" He asked.

Shit. Jungkook forgot his own birthday was coming up. Usually, he and Jimin got drunk off their asses and Jimin would spend the night at his place.

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