Chapter 1

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A/N-Just so you guys know Dick Grayson is trans, autistic, and I'm literally just projecting onto him. This is kinda like a vent fic but lol who cares. ENJOY YOU LIL PECKERS (also this is copy pasted from my AO3 story of the same name)

Richard (Dick) Grayson was the first Robin and the oldest son in the Batfamily. He is forced to be the best learner and the best teacher. Don't get him wrong, he loves the entire Batfam including B himself but.. it can be too much sometimes. Not just being a learner and a teacher but, life. Life has been kicking him in the ass recently. He lost a fight with some gang members in Blüdhaven, his Bulimia is getting worse, and he's been feeling..suicidal.

He has no idea where the thoughts or the eating disorder came from but he knows it's been a while since it started when he was Robin with Wally, M'gann, Artemis, Connor, and the others.


The day started out quite normal for Dick, he woke up at 4:30 am, just in time for his 5:00 am workout. Damien would always be mad at him for some reason, he's always say that "he's pushing himself" or "he's slowly killing himself by not eating before he works out." Dick ignored these comments, if he was gonna eat he was just gonna throw it up again. He really doesn't feel like vomiting before it during his exercises.

He started putting on his workout attire, just as he took his shirt off he looked at himself in the mirror.. I could be skinnier. He thought, he decided to look at himself more, looking at all the scars and burns from his past. Top surgery, birthmark, self harm, you name it, he probably had it. The only thing it feels like a dont have is a missing limb and a will to live. He then laughed at the thought, but he still wonders, do his brothers know about the backstory to any of his scars? Do they know about the Top Surgery scars? These questions started filling his head as he started looking at himself more and more in the mirror.

He finally snapped out of it and looked away from the mirror and started getting dressed for his 5:00 am workout.


"Hey Alfred, have you noticed that Grayson hasn't been himself lately?" Jason questioned, "yes, I have noticed that Master Dick has been quite down recently." Alfred said, eyes becoming slightly saddened. "Do you know what could be wrong with him?" Jason asked, secretly hoping for an immediate response. "I do have one possible answer but... I hope to god it's not true." The butler answered.

"Well? What do ya think it is?" Jason impatiently asked, now becoming insanely desperate. "I fear... that his Bulimia might be getting worse, Master Jason." Alfred replied once again.

"The fucks Bulimia?"

"Language Master Jason.." Alfred nearly shouted, he then continued. "Bulimia Nervosa is an Eating Disorder that usually causes the person who has it to 'binge eat' then purge almost immediately after by most commonly vomiting. Master Dick has suffered from this disorder since he was about 11. Since then he has been somewhat underweight." Alfred longly explained.

"Jesus, and he's never told us?!" Jason yapped once again, worry filling his mind, that fucker always worries about us, but god forbid we worry about him. The aggressive Bat-sibling thought.

"What are you guys talking about?" Bruce says as he walked into the kitchen, Alfred handed a fresh cup of coffee as he responded. "Just Master Dick, sir."

"Why? Did something happen?" Bruce asked as he stared at Jason Todd as if he knew something he didn't. "Yeah, turns out our little golden child has an ED that may or may not be gettin' worse." Todd mumbled the last part of his sentence in a concerned tone.

Bruce say his cup down gently and rushed to Dicks room as fast as he could. "Well I'll be damned, the Bat still cares." Jason joked, Alfred elbowing him in the arm with a very slight smile.


Bruce ran as fast as he could to his eldest sons room, he didn't want that do happen again. He knocked on the door only to receive no answer. "Dick? It's Bruce, open up." He called. He then realized that he could check the Batcave, that was where Dick went to work out.

He then ran down the stairs again to go into the Batcave.

He didn't see Dick at all, he saw that the equipment had been used but no person there using them. Bruce decided to call out to him. "Chum? It's Bruce, you doin okay?" He exclaimed. He still received no answer, that when the man started getting worried. Where are you kiddo? That was until he heard noises coming from the bathroom. "Dick?" The man asked as he opened the bathroom door.

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