Chapter 4

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After a few hours of them talking Dick knew he had to tell them sooner or later, and he just wanted it out if the way. He knew he couldn't just pull out his phone and search up, "how to tell your entire trauma filled family that you have more trauma than they thought and an eating disorder: tips and tricks!"

Wally noticed something was bothering his boyfriend and spoke up. "Something botherin' you babycake?" He said, Jason fake-gagged at the pet name but turned his attention to Dick, something was definitely bothering him.

Dick bit his lip and looked at Wally and Jason. "Sorta.." He muttered out, looking down at his feet; he hated eye contact, it was so awkward and it made him feel icky.

"What is it hon?" Wally asked, putting his hand on Dicks shoulder.

"Just something I need to tell my family, that's all.." Grayson answered, looking at his feet more than his significant other. "Is it the b-u-l-i-m-i-a?" Jason also asked, hoping he spelt it right. "That and another thing Jaybird. Something you don't know about yet." Dick once again answered, now looking at a broom in the corner. Alfred just finished cleaning and was sitting with the Batfamily (and Wally). "What are ya talkin' about?" Tim questioned, his eyes narrowed with a sly smile painted on his face.

"It's somethin' I'm gonna have to tell all of you in a bit." Dick announced and patted Damian's head. "I know what it is too." Wally proudly said as he crossed his arms. He then leaned into Dicks ear and whispered, "its also gonna be about you being trans and the Tarantula thing, right?" Dick nodded and held Wally's hand tightly.

"When're you gonna tell us?" Jason asked almost falling off the couch (again).

"Probably when Bruce gets back from Parole, I swear the man never takes time off." Dick answered, eyes now focusing on the textured wall, it looked oddly plasticy but bumpy, he liked the way the light bounced off of it, it made it look soft.

"You're the one to talk." Wally teased as he rubbed his thumb on Dicks hand that he was holding. "Forreal man, Dickwing here is almost never off either." Jason giggled as he sat up correctly on the couch.

"Oh hush Jason, you're literally almost never home." Dick joked as he rolled his eyes. "True, but that's not because I'm on parole, I'm just bored as hell." Jason responded.

"I think that's enough you too." Alfred chuckled, he put his hand on Dicks shoulder and gave him a soft smile. "You're being very brave Master Dick." Alfred mumbled gently into his ear.

"What's up with everyone and whispering into your ear?" Damian asked turning his head to face Dick.

"It's nothin kiddo, just tellin me stuff you probably don't wanna hear." Dick answered and ruffled Damian's hair.

"When is Bruce supposed to be comin' home anyway?" Tim asked yet again, sitting on the floor pinching the rug corner. "Master Bruce told me he would be back from parole at about 10:30. Which is about an hour from now." Alfred responded.

Wally walked to the kitchen with Alfred following him. Hm, seems like they're gonna talk. Most likely about THAT but eh. Dick thought to himself.


"Mr West." Alfred said flatly almost glaring at Wally. "Uhhhh, hel-hello Mr.Pennyworth." Wally grinned nervously, standing with his arms straight at his sides.

"You know more than I know, don't you?" Alfred asked, face now dropping its angered look, now becoming more sorrowful. "I-I do it's just that-"

"I understand why Master Dick would've told you something before us. No need to feel bad about it." The Brit said, giving Wally a melancholy smile. "I'm just afraid of what it is, that's all. I need some time to prepare for what might be said and I don't think an hour is enough." He explained to the tall ginger.

"Umm alright. Uh, is that all you wanted to talk to me about or-"

"Nonsense, Master Wallace!" Alfred cheerfully exclaimed. "I know about the ring." He said in a stern tone, once again glaring at West.

Wallys face went red and he started stuttering nonsense. Alfred snickered, "it's nothing to worry about Master Wallace, I am glad that Master Dick is somebody that you desire to spend the rest of your life with." The butler softly smiled, eyes becoming glossy.

"Oh, sorry. I was getting a little choked up." Alfred grinned as he wiped his eyes. They heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and it was Dick.

"Hey hon," Dick announced, grabbing a glass from the cabinet to get water. "Alfie, you okay?" Dick asked as he darted towards the butler. "You look like you were about the cry, are you okay?" 

"I'm alright Master Dick, I just got a little choked up is all." Alfred smiled, wiping his eyes again. "Man, I dunno if I can handle anymore crying today." Dick sighed with a smile on his face. "You know damn well that they're gonna cry. Hell, even Alfred is goin' to." Wally laughed as Dick started getting water. "I know, that's why I'm scared to tell them." Dick simpered, taking a sip of his beverage.

"You're scared to tell anyone anything babe." Wally smirked holding Dick from behind when Alfred walked out. He nibbled on his ear and caressing his stomach as Dick whimpers. "W-Walls, not in the kitchen." Dick quietly moaned, placing his cup in the sink gently when he finished his drink. "Mmmm lets take this to the room then." Wally breathed.

A/N- Y'all I'm so sorry for not posting after a while, I've had insane writers block. NEXT CHAPTER IS A SMUT CHAPTER SO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ SMUT PLEASE SKIP IT

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