4: stay?

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TF?...nah I js fr work up and what was the first thing I see?? SMG4 yup-THE FIRST FUCKING THING I SEE IS 4 "EW GET OFF!" I pushed him away hard "AH?!-wha-what??what happened?? nightmare?!" He asked like he was my boyfriend liek what??? "Ugh no ofc not now get off!" "Wha??why??" "Then can you explain why I woke up with you???" "You fell asleep and when I placed you on the bed you hugged me" "I HUGGED YOU?!BAHA please don't make me laugh" bruh he FR gave me a "bitch yes you did" look and hack I can't even make that face 👹


3 fr on drugs-💀📸 "bitch stfu,you fr did' "lier>:/" oh my fucking god- I thought to myself like this bitch>:0 "whatever' as I got up from the bed 3 got up too "hungry?" "Dah" "what you want?" I smirked at him "idk what you got??" "Hmmmm ima go see what we got k?" "Kay" "Kay cya soon" "cya" I opened the door and walked to the kitchen got himself a sandwich and 3 a sandwich as well and walked to his room where 3 was  "alr princess,I got food" 4 jokingly said "HEY!I'm not a princess" he yelled obviously upset "alr alr whatever have your food>:(" 3 snatched the sandwich 4 gave him and ate 4 did the same "like the breakfast?:)" "Yea-ane don't you dare say you made it-ik you didn't make it" "oh;)" (not a winking face😭it's a tear on happy face🤧💀💔💔) 3 got up to change but 4 grabbed his arm "wait!" "Hm?" "Are you leaving?." "Yeah?why?" "C-can you stay one more night?..////" "...I..can't sorry" "why not??.." "I fr need to feed my baby😤👴👴" "oh right-well I mean eggdog can wait right?" Bro looked at me like he wasn't going to die from starvation "ugh fine I'll get meggy to babysit" 'oh so you'll stay??" "Yup" YES!

Opp sorry looks like you're gonna have to wait for part 5😘🥰🥰👴

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