7: no leave:(

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~3rd person POV~

I-nah bro never gonna let me leave huh?-😭 "TF is it now???😡😡" "Can you pleaseee stay!~" 3 js stared at him like bitch asked them to marry him or something- "no SMG4,I really can't no-" but  before 3 could finish what they were going to say 4 pulled them into his bed "BITCH WTF IS YOU TRYINA DO?!" 3 screamed at him "STFUUUU I'm trying to sleep!" "Bitch wot?-" "look at the time dumbass-" 3 looks over to the clock and WHAT?! 12:03 a.m.?! "UGGGGHH fine!now stop cuddling me!" "Why not?" "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEE-" 3 was cut off by 4's kiss,4 js realised he Kissed 3 so he broke the kiss "OH SHIT!-SORRY DUDE!-IR WAS JUST TO SHUT YOU UP!-I PROMISE!!" 3 didn't respond instead truned around facing the opposite way of four "3?.." no answer shit....did I mess up?? 4 truned around as well and fell asleep,4 was hogging the blanket "SMG4!" "Wwhhayaat???" 4 asked sleepy as hell "STOP HOGGING THE BLANKET!!!" "Oh I was?-sorry-" "whatever" 4 cover 3 and whispered "good night 3.." and fell asleep 4 felt someone hug him when he opened his eyes he saw 3??3 was the one who hugged him?!maybe because they were cold?so 4 just cuddled 3 back and fell asleep snoring a bit loud and was slapped in the face by 3 "ow?->:,(" "stfu people are trying to sleep!-" "bro wut-?" "Your snorting like my dad-" "oh-sorry dude-" "yeah yeah whatever" after like 2 hours 3 was cuddling a pillow,4 woke up needing to use the bathroom then saw 3 and their-💀💀💀 fiancé the pillow-💀💀 bro what?- 4 thought to himself before ignoring that and went to the bathroom-amnnd when we got back yayyy~smg3 hogged the entire blanket!~how lovely😡😡 😭😭😭bro TF???how am I supposed to sleepp??? He thought before just grabbing the blanket

-wow very cool and awesome time skip😎😎-

Smg4 woke up and noticed that 3 wasn't there,he did the 'bruh' face and smg3 was brushing their teeth like a normal human being would😊🔫🤭 "bro why you wake up so for dang early bro-💀" smg3 asked "why?can I not?" While brushing their teeth but smg4 could still make out what they were saying "yeah-you can't-_-" "💀" "🧐" "bro just tell me your fucking gay-" as smg3 spat into the sink "💀💀💀" 4 replied welll yeah I'm gay but I'm hella gay for you~cutie pie♡ 4 said in his thoughts "earth to smg4?~" 3 waved their hand in front of his face "h-huh??-" "bro let me move-💀stop being gay you ugly ass bitch-" rude much?- "yeah yeah whatever princess" "I told you a thousand times do NOT call me princess!" "Yeah ik but it really suits you yk?" "💀Gaylord fr-" "😭bro you don't have to be so mean about it-" "so you are gay-" "yeah I am>:(have a problem?>:0" "what?!no ofc not I'm not homo" "are you racist? 😡🖕" "HOW DARE YOU TO ASSUME THAT IM RACIST AND HOMO?!" "Geez-you don't have to yell in my ears you bitch!-" "ever heard of 'no homo no racist?-" "nope,why?" "Idk:/" "let me guess-you made it up-_-" "lmao yea-but I'm proud about it" "about what?" Smg3 face plamed this bitch fr a dumbass-.. "making up 'no racist no homo!' you dumb piece of shit!" 3 snapped obviously fed up with 4's bullshit shit the hottie mad- "AH!-IM SORRY!😭😭" "*Sigh* I'll forgive you,only this once tho,also I FR have to go rn-eggdog funna die-" "oh shi-i forgot about em-" "yeah same💀-i got lots of explaining to do because of you>:,(" "🙄🙄🙄whatever princess" "ugh that's it I'm out-" 3 opened the portal back to the internet graveyard and ran back to the Starbucks and apologized to eggdog and kissed them everywhere-"IM SORRY BABYYT!!!" (Eggdog is their son/daughter :/)


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