The Start of Something New

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A/N: Hello everybody and welcome to my new story. It's quite different from my poems and The Unexpected, but I hope you enjoy.

It's hard. Life, in general. But it is even harder when you are a teenage girl in high school. People say freshman year is difficult for everybody. Right now it feels like absolute hell. I have no friends, except for my dog, (sad, I know) and my sister is one of the most popular people in school. Mia seems to have everything. She has all the friends in the world, a boyfriend, and an amazing career waiting for her. While I am just sitting here lonely, eating a bowl of cereal and waiting for her so we can leave.

School starts in ten minutes and we still haven't left yet, but this is usually how it is every morning. The thing was, since everybody loved Mia, she would just tell an excuse to her teacher and they would give her a pass. If I did the same thing, my teacher would shut me up with a tardy. But that's just how things were, and I was use to it by now.

A few minutes later, Mia ran down the stairs so I sprinted after her. We got in the car and started driving away. Not even a second later, Mia's phone starts blowing up. I just sighed, put on my headphones, and looked out the window. It was a rainy day, but I didn't mind. This was my favorite type of weather. It is perfect just to relax and escape. I closed my eyes, and about five minutes later, we arrived at the school. We had barely made it in time, so I ran out of the car to my first class, band.

I walked in and put together my instrument like normal, and then the day just started to flash by until it was time for lunch. I always dreaded this. It was usually the same. I would go up to the lunch lady, and get my tray. Then, I would walk slowly and shyly to an empty table, not expecting anybody to sit with me. But today was different. Today, somebody actually walked up to my table and sat down. I kept my head down, trying to get a glimpse of him through the hair that was covering my eyes. I couldn't really see anything, except that he was a boy and had black hair.

"Hello," the boy said full of joy.

"Hi," I shyly replied. This is how most of my conversations went except they usually didn't say anything else. But this boy was different. He was persistent, and I liked it.

He giggled and said, "My name's Sam, and your name is?"

"Summer," I said slowly and finally looked up. The boy was about my age and seemed to be a little taller. He was wearing a shirt that has some sports team on it and he had basketball shorts on. Sam had the most amazing smile on his face which just radiated happiness, and that caused me to smirk and let out a giggle.

"That's a beautiful name," he said with the smile still on his face.

"Thanks," I replied. I hope I get to know this boy better I thought before the lunch bell rang. As I walked away, I turned around to look at him. He was just sitting there laughing to himself like a big idiot, but I found it adorable.

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