School Mornings

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A/N: For some reason, I decided to add music to this chapter. This song is one of my favorites and it's called I'm There. It is also from one of my favorite bands, Hey Violet. I just thought that this song represents the relationship between all of the friends, especially between Summer and Sam. Oh, and I may add more music to some future chapters if you guys want. Enjoy!

Halfway down the stairs, I remembered that I had to do homework. So I sat in my room for half an hour doing it until my stomach started to growl again. I turned off the music that I was listening to and headed downstairs. My mom was finishing cooking dinner, and I couldn't be more glad. After everything that happened today, it felt nice to just sit and talk with my family even if it involved talking to Mia.

After dinner, I decided that I was going to go to bed even though it wasn't that late. As soon as I laid down, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Everything with Mia, Sam, Evan, and Reese just played over and over in my head until I finally fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up five minutes before my alarm, so I just stayed in bed until it rang. I then got dressed, brushed my teeth, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I grabbed a bowl of cereal, and watched some of the morning news. Out of the corner of my eye, I seen Mia exit her room which meant that she was ready to leave. I grabbed my backpack and my phone and headed to her car. Fifteen minutes later, we showed up at the school, and this time we were actually quite early. This week has really turned around for me.

I left Mia's car, told her goodbye, and headed to the door. As I was walking I seen Evan and Reese and decided to say hi. I waved and started walking towards them.

"Hey, how's it going," I asked.

"I'm a little tired, but other than that, pretty good. Did you get our notes yesterday?" Evan asked and I nodded.

We talked for a few minutes until I felt somebody's arms wrap around me. I turned around to see Sam, and he smiled.

"Hey," I said smiling and he greeted me. He then walked over to Evan and did this weird hand shake and gave Reese a hug.

"So how is life?" Sam asked.

"Better since you got here," Evan replied in a girly voice and Sam laughed.

"No offense Evan, I love you too, but I was actually talking to Summer," Sam said and Evan pouted.

I laughed and told Sam, "It's been pretty good, my sister isn't as annoying, I arrived early for once," and I said mocking Evan, "It's been better since you got here." This caused everyone to laugh, but we were interrupted by the bell.

We all walked inside together, but Sam wanted to walk me to my locker which I thought was very nice. After I put everything in my locker, I had to go to first period.

"Hey, I'll see you in third period," I told him.

He pouted, but finally agreed to let me go. I hugged him, and then made my way to first period.

"I can't wait to see all my friends and Sam," I whispered to myself.

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