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A/N: Two updates in one day. It is quite amazing with my record of updating my previous stories. I don't know what it is about this one, but I just really enjoy writing it.

I exited the cafeteria with a giant smile on my face. Sam was so amazing and I only met him a few minutes ago. The moment escapes my head though when I see Mia from across the hall.

She was standing there with a gazillion so called friends just staring at others and snickering. I don't know why she has to be so rude like that. Those people never did anything to her, but she still feels the need to insult them. People like her frustrate me.

I storm off to my locker, shove everything inside, and head to my least favorite class: science.

Compared to the beginning of the day, time was going by so slow, but I didn't mind. All I could think about was Sam. Throughout my next class, all I could seem to do was doodle his name. I had to be secretive though because he was in my class, all of them actually. I had never realized it before because I was just thinking about my miserable life. I was mid-doodle when the bell rang, which meant that it was now time for my last class, math, another subject that I don't like. We were taking a Unit Test today, and I totally forgot about it until now.

"Great," I whispered to myself.

Sam came up behind me and asked what was wrong which scared me at first. I explained to him that I didn't realize that we had a test today, and I am nowhere near ready to take one.

"Don't worry. You're going to do fine. I believe in you," he reassured me.

"Thanks," I said and smiled at him.

I took my usual seat in the back corner of the room. I watched Sam sit down next to his friends, Evan and Chase. He looked at me, pouted, and then the teacher told us to start our test.

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