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Have a character make a resolution and try sticking to it. The resolution

could be something normal like trying to lose weight or quit smoking. Or it could something more unique like an assassin trying not to kill anyone or kleptomaniac resolving to quit stealing.


Aurora sat on the edge of her bed, staring out the window at the sunny landscape beyond. It was the first day of the new year, and she had made a resolution to be more disciplined in her magical studies. For too long, she had let herself get distracted by trivial things and had neglected her training.

She sighed, feeling a sense of determination. This year would be different. She would commit herself fully to her studies and become the powerful gadè she knew she could be.

As she sat there lost in thought, she heard a knock on her door. "Aurora? Are you in there?" It was her mentor, Master Varis.

Aurora stood up and opened the door, feeling a bit nervous. Master Varis was a stern and exacting teacher, and she knew he would not tolerate any slacking off.

"Happy New Year, Master Varis," she said, bowing respectfully.

Master Varis nodded. "Happy New Year, Aurora. I trust you made some resolutions for the coming year?"

Aurora nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yes, sir. I resolved to be more disciplined in my studies and focus on becoming a more powerful gadè."

Master Varis raised an eyebrow. "That's a lofty goal. Do you have a plan for achieving this?"

Aurora hesitated, feeling a bit foolish. "Not really. I was just going to try to be more diligent in my practice sessions and spend more time studying my spell books."

Master Varis nodded thoughtfully. "Well, that's a good start. But if you truly want to become a powerful gadè, you will need to do more than just practice spells. You will need to immerse yourself in the study of magic, learn its secrets, and master its intricacies."

Aurora felt a sense of awe and excitement at Master Varis' words. "Yes, sir. I will do whatever it takes to become a true mistress of my domain."

Master Varis nodded a hint of approval in his eyes. "Good. Then let us begin. We have much work to do if you are to achieve your goal."

And with that, he led Aurora out of her room and into the training grounds, where they began their first lesson of the new year.

As they worked through complex spells and delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, Aurora felt a sense of excitement and purpose that she had never felt before. This year would be different. She had made a resolution to become a powerful gadè, and with the guidance of her mentor and the power of magic at her fingertips, she was determined to stick to it.

2 April 2023

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