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Bright and early in the morning, I handed in my resignation letter. The news was met with a chorus of whines and pouts from my coworkers. I knew they were just teasing, but when they heard the truth, they didn't seem so amused anymore.

Alice, my closest friend in the office, ignored me all morning, not giving me the chance to talk to her. But as soon as I sat down next to her in the meeting room, she shot me a glare that could kill.

"Why did you do it? Why'd you resign?" she demanded, her anger evident in her clenched jaw.

"I can't keep working here," I replied honestly.

"Why, damn it!" she shouted, causing heads to turn.

"I can't stand it anymore. The constant demands, day in and day out. And how can you stand it? It's not fair to any of us." I defended myself.

She seemed distressed. "You should have at least given me a heads up, Y/N," Alice sighed heavily.

I smiled softly. "I'm still your friend, even if I'm no longer working here, Alice. Don't be so dramatic."

Rolling her eyes, she retorted, "You know what I mean. Why did you give up everything?"

"I... found a better opportunity somewhere else," I replied honestly, staring at the table. "I've been living the same routine my whole life. It's time to take a leap of faith."

Her gaze softened, and she leaned back, crossing her arms. "I wish we all had the choice to live our lives the way we want instead of following someone else's orders. Do whatever makes you happy. Be whoever you want to be. Just do it with confidence."

I looked at her, warmth spreading through my heart. "Thank you, Alice."

She smiled back gratefully. "No problem. Now go drown yourself in work for the rest of the day. You deserve that for leaving me here!" She chuckled.

I smiled. "Alright. I won't let you be sad alone." I got up from my seat. "I'll see you later, Alice."

"Take care!" she called after me.

With that, I walked away to fulfill my remaining obligations at the office.

I made my way to Mr. Chatterjee's private office and stood outside, tapping my feet impatiently as I waited for him to finish his work.

Finally, he emerged and approached me. "Hello, Miss L/N. Do you mind waiting a bit longer?" he asked kindly.

Shaking my head, I turned and started to walk away.

He followed closely behind, speaking again. "I would like to discuss something with you."

I stopped and faced him. "Sure, I can spare a few more minutes."

He gestured for me to follow him inside, and I nodded, stepping into his luxurious office. The furniture, the paintings, the decorations—it all screamed importance.

"Please have a seat, Ms. L/N. What can I do to make you stay with the company?" he inquired politely, settling himself behind his massive mahogany desk.

The Sleeping Contract (Jennie X Female Reader X Rosé)Where stories live. Discover now