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If I had a weak heart, I would be dead. I could die of fright and no one would know why, except for the tall, built, handsome, oh so sexy man standing in front of me.

While on our date, I didn't get the chance to appreciate how good-looking he truly was.
He wore a Navy-blue T-shirt that hugged his strong, toned torso, his charcoal-coloured jeans pants covered his long-toned legs that could run a hundred marathons without buckling and caving in underneath him. His outfit was completed with sneakers that matched the colour of his jeans.

I could see the ink that covered his right arm. It was from his wrist leading up to the length of his arm and disappearing under the sleeve of his shirt.

I could make out some of the images. I saw a rose with a name scribbled on the stem, Jesus Christ with his hands clasped, and some teardrops flowing from his eyes. I never thought about tattoos being sexy, but looking at his, I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

My eyes lingered on his arms, appreciating how muscular and toned they looked. His hands looked as if they could crush you if they wanted to. He was fit, and it showed. I then turned my attention to his face. He had a little stubble along his firm jaws, his lips were plump and pink. Those cobalt blue eyes raked up my body then stared into my soul, jolting me to realize what I was wearing.

“Whoa, is everything alright Dionnah?” Jonathan asked while looking at the broken glass on the floor.

“Yes, yes. It just slipped because my hand was wet,” I said while reaching for a paper towel to dry my hands, which were now feeling a little clammy. I stepped forward, trying to ignore the awkwardness, and held my hand out. “Hi Michael Mulroney, I'm Dionnah. It's nice to finally meet you,” I declared.

Why did I just say his full name?

“Nice to meet you too, Dionnah, and please call me Mike,” he smirked while shaking my hand. There it goes again, that feeling that jolted my body and shook my core. It felt like I was being hit with a small lightning bolt in the most euphoric way. My heart rate increased, and I became hot. What the hell is this? I thought as I withdrew my hand from his. I hope he kept our first encounter to himself. I didn't want to explain anything to anyone, especially Dani. “So, what's the plan for this evening?” Michael asked, breaking my thoughts.

“Well, nothing really," answered Dani.
“We thought you would be tired, so we expected you to stay home and relax.”

“That's considerate of you Danielle, but I got enough rest for the past couple of days.”Michael's teeth were glistening pearls when he smiled.

“Oh, right,” spoke Jon. “I forgot about the whole decompression thing.”

“What's that?” I inquired.

“Whenever we come back from a long mission, they place us in isolation before coming back to the civilian population. It may be for a month, week, or a couple of days. I did it for a week,” Answered Mike while looking at me.

There was just something about his eyes on me that made me uneasy. “Oh, OK. Well, I'm going to clean up this broken glass, then go wash up and get ready for dinner,” I stated.

“We'll go and show Mike his room,” said Dani.

After cleaning up the broken glass, I ran upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I donned a simple red top and black shorts. After getting dressed, I headed downstairs to get some food because my stomach was now growling.

Everyone was already down and seated at the table. The food smelled wonderful. It was mashed potatoes, fried and barbecue chicken, corn, and all the other fixings. I took the seat beside my sister, while Jon sat beside Mike. I took a plate and started scooping some mashed potatoes on it.
I didn't fancy barbecue, so I chose the fried chicken instead. The food was delicious. I realized Mike picked the barbecue chicken instead of fried.
I didn't even realize we were facing each other until I felt his eyes on me.
I cleared my throat nervously.

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