Baby photo's

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@Vic.W Mom was looking trough old photo books and look what I found🫶🏻

[Tagged: @King.Louis]

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@DomDom: Awwww baby Louis

@King.Louis: Okay not gonna lie this is cute

@Lily.flower: aww you and Louis were so cute. Why can't you guys be like this @J_Sirius @A.Potter

@J_Sirius: Not my fault you guys are annoying

@A.Potter: you are worse @J_Sirius

@Vic.W: Don't argue in my comments on a cute foto

@Rose_gw: Since Vic did I wanted to do it to so me as baby

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@Rose_gw: Since Vic did I wanted to do it to so me as baby

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@Hugo.Weasel: My sister!!!

@Molly_Weasley: Cute Rosie

@Lily.flower: Cute Rosie but seriously guys why can't you guys be like Hugo or Louis @J_Sirius @A.potter

@J_Sirius: Again not my fault 🤦‍♂️

@Rose_gw: I just post a picture and a hole war is going on

@Rose_gw: I just post a picture and a hole war is going on

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@LysanderSc: Look how cute we were

[Tagged: @LorcanSc]

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@LorcanSc: We were very cute

@Lily.flower: My two best friends🫶🏻

@LucyW: Awww you guys were adorable

@Rubs_Wood: Cuties🤍

Private messages

Lily Lysander

You were a adorable child

Thanks Lils

When should we tell them

Maybe tomorrow or something or just post a photo and see what happens

Okay sure 🫶🏻 I love you ❤️

I love you to ❤️

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