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"Look here, Y/n." Momonga places a map on the table and places his bone finger on a spot on the map. "Northwest of here over the mountain range is the Re-Estize Kingdom Kingdom. Since Sebas is there spying for information, we don't have to worry about them doing something stupid."

"Yet." Y/n scoffed. "While the kingdoms that surround us are powerful in their own right, what's to stop them from having a coalition against us? And using unfamiliar items against us?".

"Good point but seeing as we already have information about most of the surrounding kingdoms on us it's clear that the Re-Estize and Baharuth are dumb-fucks that fight over land disputes near their border," Momonga explained. 

"And what about the Slane Theocracy? Those religious fucks are constantly in our way one way or another. First, it was when we saved that village, and a few days ago it was Shalltear being... fucked sideways." Y/n pointed south of where the tomb is located. 

"I'm glad you asked!" Momonga grinned. How? Don't ask me... "Those fucks when they were fighting Shalltear lost a valuable asset and are now reorganizing their force. Most likely planning an invasion at us in the near future." 

"Great." Y/n rolled his eyes. "And I'm assuming like any other fantasy world they are the most powerful?"

"Most likely... Wait don't we have someone who can give us that info?" Momogna asked. "You still have that crazy bitch locked up in your dungeon right?" 

"Uhh... maybe? Unless my floating ball thing hasn't eaten her yet" Y/n responded. "Why? She's important or something?" 

"Sort of. Here." Momonga took a book out of his inventory. "This book contains all the info of some the people the Theocracy holds dear. Starting with Clementine is a runaway member of the 'Black Scripture'. We could extract some info out of here if we-"

"Ah! If that's the case then I've already got you covered. My pet, Zexal, already did that." Y/n smiled before going further. "According to her memories, there are a total of 12 seats of people that are part of the 'Black Scripture' and 1 'extra' she appears to be the strongest from what she says. Also, the fear of what you have of the nations of this world having world items or an equivalent of it is... true."


"Supreme Ones, is everything alright?" A voice from behind the doors asked.

"Yes... Yes, Albedo. No need to worry." Momonga called out before talking to Y/n again. "Okay, this is just great. What other fuckary is there?"

"Well... so you know how we're 'trapped' here in this world?" Y/n asked to which Momonga nodded. "It seems that every couple of centuries new 'gods' would arise in this world known by them as players".

 "It seems that every couple of centuries new 'gods' would arise in this world known by them as players"

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[One mind-blowing information later]

"Cocytus, is everything ready?" Y/n asked.

A steam of mist blew out his... nose responding. "Hai. Everything is in order. I will depart at once to give the Tomb of Nazarick glory as a guardian and subject." 

"Very good Cocytus. I'm sure you won't disappoint me and live up to my expectations." Y/n smiled. 

In response, Cocytus stood up and placed his arm on his chest, and left the hall. Once the doors at the end of the hall slammed, Y/n and Momonga looked at each other and sighed. 

"You sure, this is a good idea?" Y/n asked Momonga. 

"Yes. We have to do this to gain some influence in this world, now that we have enemies we can identify, and knowing about 'that' it will mean we need to be more proactive in a lot of areas. Mainly diplomacy and warfare in the hope of finding Yggdrasil players and having others from centuries to come be able to be at ease."

"And if they reject what we are doing? If they side with any opposing force we face? Will we have to kill them? Questions like these Momonga are what may help in trying to be seen as the 'good guys' to future and past players." Y/n barbarrded Momonga.

Momonga lets out a big sigh. 

"The hardest of choices require the strongest wills. And I have to have a strong will for situations like those." 

"Alright then. I'll have Albedo keep in contact with Cocytus in case some issues arise from his battle. Other than that, we are free for the time being." 

"Good. I want to end this chapter on the shorter ends of things. Next chap will be about the battle and maybe-" 

"OW!" Momonga turned around and looked at Y/n. "The fuck was that for-?!

 "The fuck was that for-?!

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"Spoliers dude." 




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