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"But pain's like water. It finds a way to push through any seal. There's no way to stop it. Sometimes you have to let yourself sink inside of it before you can learn how to swim to the surface." Katie Kacvinsky



Perrie recoiled away from her father, practically launching herself halfway across the room from him. No, this could not be so. Her father always fixed everything. He always had the answer. He made everything better. Whatever mistake Perrie could possibly make, her father had always been there to guide her through and to keep her safe.

Perrie had never been without him.

"Papa," she gasped.

Adam appeared exhausted, saddened even, but decided, as he said, "It is the best thing for you to do."

"No, it is not the best," Perrie said adamantly. "I don't want to get married like this." She was not even certain she wanted to get married at all if getting married was like the ball her grandmother had thrown.

Perrie had not given the institution of marriage enough thought despite it being the entire purpose for which she supposedly lived.

"I trust Joe. I know he will take care of you."

"You trust a man who hates me?"

Adam did not reply, save for shaking his head briefly, and sighing.

Perrie stared at her father, willing him to break, to laugh, to declare this all a joke and tell her to go to bed, and that everything would be well and sorted in the morning. But he didn't. He simply stared back at her with all sorts of thoughts behind his eyes.

"Everything will be alright, Perrie," Adam said finally. "I trust Joe. Despite this situation, I trust him, and I never thought I would trust anybody enough to take you from me."

"Papa, Joe has not come to ask you for my hand because he is in love with me!" Perrie retorted, her voice breaking. "He is not taking me away! His wicked, barbaric excuse for a sire is threatening me! Papa, he wants your money, I know it!"

Adam crossed the room to where Perrie was, and he again took her into his arms. Perrie tried to resist, but Adam held her closely. The feeling of security was immense despite everything. "Everything will be alright," he repeated. "Joe will do right by you, and his father won't see so much as a sovereign from me."


Joe did not sleep. He had hardly slept a wink since the night of the ball, and he was certain that the lack of rest was wreaking havoc on his mind. How had he allowed this to happen? How had he allowed Perrie to be in such a compromising position with him? He should have sent her away immediately. He should have done so weeks ago.

In fact, he should have left Ashwood himself the moment she had returned home from finishing school. It would not have mattered if his father would have turned him out, because then Perrie would not have been tied to a man such as him.

Joe buried his face into his pillow and screamed. There was no way to break this engagement without dishonouring Perrie, and Joe would not cause her any more pain. But how could he marry her? How could he in good conscience become what he would be as her husband?

"I hear congratulations are in order."

Ed's voice sounded from the doorway of Joe's bedroom, and he stood there tentatively, waiting for Joe to welcome him, or to send him away. Joe could see his brother's anxious pain etched across his face. He was not dressed for the day, appearing to have simply pulled on some breeches and tucked in his nightshirt. His feet were bare.

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