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Zoe's pov: I wake up to Jaden sleeping on top of me then I remember what happened yesterday night and I got butterfly's thinking about it I ended up getting up and going downstairs and eat toast then my mom texted me)
Mom❤️: hey I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to eat
Me: ofc!
Mom❤️: oh and Ginger keeps looking for u lol😂
Me: I miss my baby 😭
Mom❤️: what time you coming?
Me: right now👀
Mom❤️: ok 😂
Zoe's pov: I eat then go upstairs and go to jaylas room to tell her I'm going out as soon as I walk in Jaden and javon and kylee are all in the room
Me and Jaden look at each then he looked away)
Zoe:what in the he... Nvm guys I'm going home
Jayla: noooo!
Javon: what nooo!
Kylee: why?
Jaden: finally I get my bed to my self
Jayla: shut up Jaden!
Zoe: I'm coming back but I'm going to hang out with my mom
Jaden: bru
Jayla: oh
Javon: and if u do come back bring the cat!!!
Zoe: ok bye guys!
They say bye and you go home
Zoe's pov: as soon as I walk in my cat comes running to me so I pick her up then I hear my mom)
Mom: omg I missed you she hugs u
Zoe: I missed you to you hug her back
Mom: I have something to tell you
Zoe: what you say petting ginger
Mom: so I didn't tell you this because you didn't know anything but you have a sister and she's coming to stay the night in the extra room
Zoe: WHAT!
Mom: Zoe I-
Zoe: I didn't know anything you could have told me a long time ago!
Mom: don't scream at me!
Zoe: I'm sorry but why didn't you tell me when I was 14
Mom: I know but please be nice to her she's coming tomorrow and please be home by: 2:59
Zoe: k..
After all that y'all go out and do what ever u want to do then y'all get home at 5:50 and you want to see javon and jayla and daelo you kind wanted to see Jaden so you grabbed Ginger and the stuff you and ginger needed and you told your mom bye and you left)
Zoe: I'm back!!! You say as you had ginger in your arms
Jayla: zoeee!
Javon: hey Zoe!
Daelo: what is in your arms?
Zoe: ginger
Javon: u did not...
Zoe: I did
He ran up to u and looked at ginger
Jayla: what is it?
Javon: the cat! He says taking ginger
Daelo: let me hold her!!
Zoe: don't drop her javon!
They all play with ginger then Jaden comes downstairs with a girl which I didn't care cause I know how he is
Jaden: oh hey Zoe...he looked scared
Zoe: hey Jaden you roll your eyes
Jayla: Zoe u can sleep with me tonight
Because kylee left she looked sad
Javon: let me keep ginger please!
Zoe: no javon give me my kid back!
Daelo laughed at me and javon as we play scream at each other
Jaden: who is this Jaden picked up ginger
Zoe: ginger my cat/kid
Jaden: she or he?
Zoe: a girl you say looking at Jaden
Jaden: she's so cute he looked at u smiling
Jayla: movie with ginger?
Jaden: yeah but ginger is with me
Zoe: but that's my kid..
Jaden: ok and?
Zoe: ugh whatever🙄
Nobody pov:Y'all go sit on the couch and Zoe sits next to Jaden because he had ginger as your watching the movie Jaden fell asleep on your shoulder
And jayla sees Jaden asleep on you and ofc ginger walked over to u and fell asleep in your arms
Zoe: guys I'm getting tired
Jayla: same hey Zoe can you walk Jaden to bed?
Zoe: always me but ok u say tired
Zoe pov: as I take Jaden to bed and almost dropping ginger Jaden asked me to sleep with him
Jaden: Zoe?he says tired
Zoe: mhm?
Jaden: can u cuddle with me
Zoe's pov: wtf did he just ask me to cuddle with him👀
Zoe: I- fine🙄
You lay down next to Jaden
Then he pulled you close to him and cuddled into u like this:

Jaden: ok and?Zoe: ugh whatever🙄Nobody pov:Y'all go sit on the couch and Zoe sits next to Jaden because he had ginger as your watching the movie Jaden fell asleep on your shoulderAnd jayla sees Jaden asleep on you and ofc ginger walked over to u ...

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But y'all asleep ok 😭and u put ginger in the middle u can't forget you kid😂
Guys hopefully u like it and sorry if I spelled wrong bye love yall💋

(Enemies to lovers)Jaden walton x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now