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Zoe's pov:I wake up to javon feeding ginger toast so I get up
Me: bitch what are u doing?!
Javon: your cats hungry!
Jayla: stfu dang I'm sleepy!
As javon and jayla are screaming Jaden was cuddled into me he was sleeping a little to good so I slapped him
Jaden: wtf!
Me: sorry you laughed
Jaden: fuck u bitch!
Me: fuck u to bitch!
Javon: how y'all go from making out to fighting like?
Jaden: well she slapped me!
Jayla: stop screaming!
Me: I'm going to shower
All: ok
As I jump in the shower I heard something but I didn't care then I feel someone jump in as I turned my head I see JADEN!!!
Jaden: shhhh! he looked u up and down and smirked then he gets close and looks in your eyes
Me: like what u see?
Jaden: yeah
As he said that are lips touch then y'all start to make out
As were making out I pull away
Me: Jaden...
Jaden: yeah..
Me: let me shower!
Jaden: fine!
Jaden ends up washing my hair and so do I then we get out and I get my towel and cover my self and I pass Jaden a towel we go to my room thank god javon and jayla weren't their Jaden gets dressed up and so do I
The fit:

Me: let me shower!Jaden: fine!Jaden ends up washing my hair and so do I then we get out and I get my towel and cover my self and I pass Jaden a towel we go to my room thank god javon and jayla weren't their Jaden gets dressed up and so do I The fit:

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Jaden: you look cute he smirked
Me: thx you smile
Javon walked in
Javon: did y'all shower together?!?!?
Jaden: yeah and?
Javon: WHAT?!?!?
jayla: what happened?
Javon: they took a shower together!
Jayla: WHAT!!
Me: oh my god...
You end up leaving the room and see maddy and ofc ginger followed you and so did jayla and javon and jaden
Maddy: morning sis
Me: morning!!
Maddy: love the fit she smiled
Me: thx!! you hug her
Jayla: so your just going to act like you and Jaden didn't just sh-
Me:HEY MOM! You look at all of them
Mom: morning kids!
All: morning
Me: mom is it ok if we go get javon a cat?
Mom: yes here are my keys she gives you the keys
Me: thank you you give her a kiss (not like that)
End pov
We all get in the car and I start to drive
Jayla: back to what we was talking about
Zoe: fuck me....
Javon: ok but are y'all dating orrrrr
Jaden: nah
Jayla: so what y'all like friends who make out or something
Jaden: I mean idk
Javon&jayla: sooo zo-
Me: shut up or I'm not getting u a fucking cat!
Javon: ok I'm done
Jayla: please just tell us what it's going to beeee!
Zoe: ugh later!
Y'all get to the pet place and go inside
Javon: omg the kittens
Zoe: I want one!!
Jaden: don't you have one?
Zoe: yes but idc javon I'm getting a other cat
Javon: can I get this one?
The cat:

Javon: ok but are y'all dating orrrrrJaden: nahJayla: so what y'all like friends who make out or something Jaden: I mean idk Javon&jayla: sooo zo- Me: shut up or I'm not getting u a fucking cat!Javon: ok I'm doneJayla: please just tell us what it'...

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(look at javon 😭his smile!)
The cat your getting:

 Zoe: ok I'll pay!Javon: ok but don't we need things?Zoe: duhh!Y'all grabbed what y'all needed and you pay for everything then y'all go to your place and ofc javon has his cat maddy stayed home with your mom but y'all go home and maddy sees the ne...

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Zoe: ok I'll pay!
Javon: ok but don't we need things?
Zoe: duhh!
Y'all grabbed what y'all needed and you pay for everything then y'all go to your place and ofc javon has his cat maddy stayed home with your mom but y'all go home and maddy sees the new cat
Maddy: omggg girl or boy
Zoe: girl
Mom: oh my lord who are you she touched the cat
Zoe: idk what to name it!
Jaden: lucky?
Javon: yes!
Zoe: ok lucky it is!
Javon: my cats name is Kissimme!
Jaden: hi Kissimme he takes the cat from javon
Javon: hey!
Jayla: Zoe come spend the night
Zoe: ok but can I bring lucky and ginger?
Javon: yes!
Jayla: we all should get matching pjs!
Jaden: bet!
Y'all end up going to the store to get matching pjs and jayla pays and y'all get spider mad pjs and y'all put them on then Jaden grabbed you by the waist and took a picture but you can't see your face and he posted it

 Zoe: ok I'll pay!Javon: ok but don't we need things?Zoe: duhh!Y'all grabbed what y'all needed and you pay for everything then y'all go to your place and ofc javon has his cat maddy stayed home with your mom but y'all go home and maddy sees the ne...

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Liked by: onwardwanna _.zoesmith onwardmumps jaylawaltonofficial and others
onwardjdub: matching pjs!

jaylawaltonofficial: Zoe what are you doing here?
Random: THATS ZOE!
Random2: omg are they dating?!?!?
_.zoesmith: jayla really!
jaylawaltonofficial: they had to know🤣
onwardwanna: this is crazy😭
onwardmumps: are y'all together?
_.zoesmith: daelo?!?!?
Jaden pov: jayla can I talk to you I say as she looked at me and said
Jayla: so what's up?
Jaden: I think I like Zoe..
Jayla: what?!?!?
Jaden: I-
Jayla: she likes you to!
Jaden: frl?
Jayla: yes ofc why would she kiss you?
Jaden: I mean-
Jayla: ask her to be your girlfriend
Jaden: ok
We go back and jayla asked if we wanted to watch a movie
We all said yes ofc
Zoe: I'll get the snacks
Me: I'll help
Jayla: ok!
We go get snacks
Me: hey um Zoe...
Zoe: yeah she looked at Jaden
Jaden: what are we?
Zoe: I-
Jayla: hurry up the movie started!
Zoe: ok hold up!
Jaden: so?
Zoe: I don't know...
As she said that I kissed her
Me: will you be my girlfriend?
We kissed and go back to the movie
Y'all watch the and y'all fell asleep

Guys nothing bad happened in this story and if I spelled something wrong I'm sorry and they are like 17 so please no hate love y'all!💋
Words: 906

(Enemies to lovers)Jaden walton x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now