Hybrid au.
It is hard to be me. At least the hybrid that I am. Everyone thinks the dragon and angel hybrids are the rarest, but that fact is false. The mix breeds of two different creatures are the rarest of all. For there are only 2 of them in the...
It has been 6 years since the doctor brought me in and started experimenting on me. plucking my feathers and collecting my tears just to see if they can be used in potions but he had forgotten one thing anything not willfully given by a phoenix is deadly to any consumer. So now I am waiting for the right moment, the right time to escape.
"YES! I finally got the potion right. This potion should be more potent than the Health 2 Potion. I did get badly wounded when trying to make this. I should go show it to test subject P-0187 to show the completion of the product she had helped create." The doctor said as he walked into my cell to show off the "potion" he created from my stolen parts.
"Look at what we produced pet. I am going to call it "phoenix blood potion" even tho it was made with tears and feathers." he looked at me with a wicked grin. I glared at him as he touched my matted wings.
"You are going to make me so rich my pet so I think I will let you wear this now that you got me the product." The doctor said as he put the key to the chains that hold my wings and legs together around my neck.
"Now witness the work we produced." The doctor said as he drank the "potion" Only to feel the opposite effect that he wanted. He quickly looked at me with eyes wide.
"W-what have y-you done to me?!" He growled as he fell to his knees.
"It is not what I have done," I stated as I began to take off the chains that disabled me to move my legs and wings." It is what you have forgotten." I said as I flutter my wings and slowly walked towards him and gently touched his head.
"W-what do y-you mean? Wh-what have I for-forgotten?!" He asked in pain as blood started to pour out of his eyes and mouth.
"You have forgotten that anything forcefully taken from a phoenix whether its tears, feathers, or blood will be poisonous to anyone who consumes it," I said as I helped him lay down for his final moments.
"W-why do you s-still care a-about me e-enough to s-stay until I p-pass." His eyes began to close as tears ran down his face.
"Because even to you experimented on me and kept plucking my feathers you still cared enough to feed me, give me water, and cared for my wings after you plucked the feathers from them. So even with all the bad you have done to me, there were still times you were good to me. So I will stay so you won't pass alone." I said as I kneeled next to his head and gently pet it.
"Thank you Percillia. O-one last th-thing before I p-pass on. Promise me that you will find your mate and live a happy life. I know that you hear voices that they always try to take over. That they demand blood. I had another hybrid h-here. He heard these v-voices they kept saying "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD." He was a Piglin Hybrid just like you. If you find him and he is your mate please......live......a........lo..ng...li..f.e......t..o...g.....e...t..h...e.r..........." He said as he passed away.
"Of course, I will. My Hades Guide you to your resting place." I prayed. I stayed there for a few more minutes until I finally got up and began to collect everything I will need for my journey. I even found some clothes I was able to change into.
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