6 years later

22 0 0

oooOooO The Blade found his mate

I know they are cute together


we should kill the people who messed up her wings

I agree

but look they are cute lying together

blood for the blood god






shut up


why am I here

Idiots the lot of you

I bet pig boy doesn't know what to do

We should tell him how

But it is funnier this way



I didn't start the fire




'Would you guys shut up I am trying to sleep! But you guys shouting at each other and screaming for blood isn't helping.' Techno deadpanned to the voices. not that long after everything went silent. techno sighed in relief and finally drifted off to sleep.

(They are both 13 for now.)

Y/N Pov

It has been six years since I was brought here. I have been with techno the whole time. Which I am grateful for.  During that time we have made a name for ourselves. We are called the blood god and goddess.  

"What are you doing up love we need to rest if we are going to escape this place in the morning," Techno said in a husky voice as he sat up and brought me into his arms. 

I am happy I was able to teach him to speak English. I taught him elytrian and endarian. 

I sighed as I relaxed into his arms. "It is nothing tech. I just couldn't sleep."

"I don't seem like nothing it is keeping you up and has you stressed." He said as he began to preen my wings to help me destress.

I relax even more. " I have a feeling that something is going to separate us. As soon as we leave this place." I made up a reasonable excuse that didn't sound like a lie. ' I can't tell him about the vision I had. He wouldn't let me try to help him escape if I did.'


* We escaped our cell and killed all the guards that were trying to stop us. We kept running until we came to the arena where there were 250 people possibly more waiting for us along with the arena master.

"There is nowhere to run now. no other way to leave." The master said with a wicked grin.

Techno and I looked at each other and grinned. "There's no other way...WE CHOOSE BLOOD!!!!!"

We Began our slaughter for our freedom. Both of us were drenched in blood. limbs and the decapitated bodies lay around us. We both kept going until there were only 4 people left.

Blood for the Phoenix HybridWhere stories live. Discover now