f you chris!

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"I need to start getting ready," I say to Lexi on FaceTime. I know she is older than me, but after we got close because she's always staying over with fez, and sometimes I make her sleep with me. I'm only staying at Fez's because I'm staying in East Highland for a little while and Fez is an old friend of my sister and I'm pretty close to Ashtray.

"Why are you getting ready?" Lexi asked. "Chris asked me if I wanted to hang out with him today I'm so happy" I let out a scream as I placed my phone on my dresser. "Wait Chris your boyfriend or Chris your friend?" Lexi said as she ate her chips. "Chris my boyfriend dummy" I rolled my eyes at her as I tried to find something to wear.

"OMG, HE TEXTED THAT HIS 5 MINUTES AWAY!" I was practically jumping. "Calm down grasshopper" she laughed at me. "Shut up" I rolled my eyes at her. "So are these pants cute should I wear them with this top?" I asked Lexi. " Yeah it's really cute" she smiled. "okay thanks" I screamed in excitement.

" I have to go, Chris, is here oh my god do I look cute," I said, fixing myself on the camera on FaceTime. "Relax you look fine Y/N/N" she rolled her eyes at me as I left my room to head out "Okay bye," I said as I went down the stairs. "K love you," Lexi said that I hung up on her. "Fez Chris is here love you" I didn't even let him before I left the house.

I walk into Chris's car. "Hey, bae" I smiled as he said that to me. "Hey baby" I kissed him on the lips as he started to drive off. "So what are we going to do today?" I questioned Chris as we approached a red light. "Go to my house and chill" What the fuck. I did not just freak out to fucking lie in bed with him, ugh. "Oh okay," I turned my head to the window as he drove off.

Chris parked his car in his driveway and hopped out of the car and ran into he quickly opened the door for himself. I sighed as I opened the door before the self-lock went off. I slowly walked towards the house as I admire the trees and flowers on the ground. I entered the house and walked straight into his room. As I entered the room he was sitting in his gaming chair playing video games. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the bed and watched TikTok.

——————- 1 hour later ———————

"Do you wanna watch a movie I'm bored" I said as Chris's eyes were glued to his PC. "Sure in a sec". Why the fuck did he call me here if he was just going to play games, if he wanted to play games, I could have just stayed home or something. I sighed as I fixed myself on his bed.

After he finishes playing his game, he comes and lies next to me and opens Netflix. He asks me, "What do you want to watch bae?" He gave me a light kiss on my forehead. "You pick I'm not sure" I looked up at him and looked at his hazel eyes. "Alright I'm putting on a horror movie," he said with a smirk as he started to cuddle with me.

15 minutes into the movie, I feel Chris's hand slowly side up to my belly. I turn my head to look at him, and he is looking down at me, but I just look back at the TV screen. A few moments later he kisses me on my mouth, but this kiss was different. He was passionate about it. He was taking control. I tried to pull away, but he just pulled me closer. It felt like my lips were going to pop.

"Stop" I barely mumbled out because of Chris kissing me. I start to feel Chris's hands start to pull off my top. I push Chris off of me " What the fuck Chris what are you doing? " I said as I got up from bed. "Get back on the bed baby" my mouth dropped at his words. "Get back in bed with you after you did whatever the fuck you just did" I rolled my eyes at him as I fixed my top. "I'm trying to have sex with you duh are you fucking dum now get back on the bed so I can finish what I started".

"WHAT THE FUCK I am not having sex with you I'm not ready we just started dating Chris!" I said yelling so loud I think I could break a glass. "Oh my god y/n we have been together for 6 months I think that's enough time bae" he came closer to me as I backed up from him until I hit the wall. he put my arms up against the wall, so I could not move.

"Your mine" so that means I can do whatever I want to you," he said as his hand was sliding up my stomach higher by the second. "Stop it!" I tried to wiggle out but he was too strong, but I knew one spot that wasn't his dick. Oh my god, I took a big deep breath and I did the hardest kick I ever did. "WHAT THE FUCK BAE" Chris screamed as he fell to the ground "Don't call me bae because we're over" I hovered over him and spat at his face as he was in much pain.

I walked home crying, seeing cars pass by, but good thing Fez's house was only about a 1 walk. how did I not see that Chris was an asshole this whole time, well, I mean, he invited me to his house to hang out, but he was just playing video games. He was barely paying any attention to me. How did I not see this at the moment?

I sighed as I opened the door. Ashtray and Fez were in the living room watching a movie. I didn't want to let them see me cry, so I sped off to my room. but that didn't work. They heard my sobs as I walked by." Y/N are you okay" Ashtray and Fez said, but I just went into my room. I flopped myself onto the bed and screamed into my pillow. I went on to my side and started to ball my eyes out.

A couple of mins later, I heard a knock on the door "Leave me alone" I lightly yelled. But Ashtray opened the door anyways, are you okay "Ashtray I said to leave" I felt him lay next to me.

Ashtray POV

I laid next to y/n she was crying but she was still so pretty doing it I've had a crush on y/n for a long time but she with Chris is such an asshole and she doesn't see that. I put my hand around her and brought her closer to me.

"Are you okay?" She took a second to answer my question. "I mean I'm okay I guess" I don't want her to be okay to be amazing, but there's nothing I can do about that. "What happened?" I thought she wasn't going to answer, but she did. "Chris he uh" my grip tightened, hearing Chris's name come out of her mouth made me mad he better not have done something to her.

"Chris he uh he was mad at me for not letting him have sex with him and so he touched me" My grip was so tight I was going to pop her "Ash let go a little" I lightened my grip oh I'm so going to beat his ass who the fuck does He think he is he really put his hands a on her I need to clam down. ——- 30 mins later————-

"Y/N are you awake?" No response she looked so beautiful sleeping in peace I wanted to kiss her, wait, what if I do she won't know, no one will know. I took in a deep breath and lightly gave Y/N a kiss on her head.

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