Thirty Seven- Crashing a Wedding

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Done- Chapter 37/ Crashing a Wedding

Done- Chapter 37/ Crashing a Wedding

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Done- Chapter 37/ Crashing a Wedding

A lot of women would say that getting married was a blessing, and honestly I'd agree.  The thought of spending a lifetime with the love of your life sounds like a dream. But in my case, of course, I was living quite the opposite, a nightmare in real life.

My father was at my left side, gripping my arm as if I were to escape, which wasn't a bad idea at all, but I learned to pick my battles, and that battle was not on my list.

"Are you guys ready? We are starting in 3 minutes." The wedding planner asked. I nodded my head, and with a satisfied smile my father nodded his as well. I tried to not roll my eyes, and punch that stupid smirk of his face.

"You know, Scarlett, this will truly be a blessing" A blessing in disguise, that's for sure.

"Only for you, father."

A look of anger took over his face "How da-"

The doors opened, and my father rapidly changed his expression. We walked down the aisle, my future husband with his back towards me. I looked to my sides only to see our family members present. The only thing is all of them looked scared. Sebastian's father looked angry and my mom rather happy.

With a confused stare I kept walking the bit of distanced left between my future husband and I. We stopped a few feet behind Sebastian and a few more behind the preacher. My father cleared his throat, his fingers gripping my arm even harder, and then I felt like I couldn't breath. For a moment I felt relieved, relieved that it was him, and not someone else. But that moment went away quickly when my father's screams and the shove I received, so he could quickly get his gun, happened.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"What a crazy father in law, am I going to have. Isn't he a fun one, Marco?" Ares' smiled toward my father and then looked over a Marco who was standing at his side, and that until this moment I hadn't seen him.

"You sure are, brother. But I'm more interested in that bride you are going to marry. She looks gorgeous." Marco threw me a wink, and I couldn't respond to any statement made. I was speechless.

"She looks heavenly, sculpted by the hands of a goddess and made only for me." Ares agrees, his eyes now setting upon me.

"Stop talking both of you. I will kill you both. My daughter has to get married to Sebastian, so move along now, I don't have the time to deal with any of you. I promise you both I'll later skin you both alive." My father's harsh words made me cringe on the inside, but the outside I kept an ice cold gaze.

"Look at him, threatening us. That's cute from your part." Ares laughed, but rapidly changed his face to a stoned hard look. "Try and kill me, each one of your family members is held up at gun point, that gun ready to fly a bullet through any of their heads, and now yours too."

In that moment my father turned around, and being met with the presence of of one Ares' men holding him at gun point, like the rest of my family.

"Don't worry calling your men, all of them are either hostage, and being taken care off, or dead." Ares finished off. My father visible gulped, and a look of hatred and fear set into his eyes.

"Look brother, if I were you in that situation I would take a fucking seat and let this man resume the wedding, so this two souls can join in marriage, without the smell of your blood." Marco explained to him. My father surprisingly sat down, seeing that he didn't have any other option. "Good, that's one handsome man, and I just made him my little bitch" Both Marco and Ares laughed, after Marco's statement and I couldn't help but chuckle.

After the quick laugh, I moved back towards Ares and Marco, still I didn't know what to do. Should I betray my father, right in front of everyone?

"My love, you look dashing, as always. Should we now get started with the wedding?" Ares offered me a hand, and I took it making my father scream a no, but I wasn't focused on him because the smile that Ares gave me, made me forget about everything else.

I was now in front of Ares, and at my side was the preacher.

The preacher cleared his throat and started the ceremony. " We are gathered here today to join Scarlett Knight and Ares Romano in holy matrimony. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace." My father looked ready to speak his mind, Sebastian's father ready to do the same, but Ares looked at them both with a murderous stare.

The preacher continued, seeing that no one had anything to say. "Scarlett, will you consent to the marriage and accept this man as your husband? Will you be true to him for the duration of your lives together, renouncing all other people in order to love, comfort, honor, and keep him?" I now had to give an answer, my hands started fidgeting, I was so strong until this point in my life, but right now I felt so weak.

I looked at my father that was looking at me with hatred, I then looked at my mother who had a smile on her face and finally I set my eyes upon Ares who looked at me intensely.

With a deep breath and my eyes now watery I gave a response "I will." Ares let out a breath and took my hands in his.

The preacher then repeated the words to Ares whose answer was the same as mine. The preacher continued the ceremony, with the vows but since we didn't have any we skipped over to the exchange of the rings.

Ares took my left hand and slid the ring down my ring finger. The ring was beautiful and I instantly fell in love with it. Now it was my turn but I didn't have any ring to give Ares, since my father was the one holding Sebastian's ring.

"Here you go, Scarlett." Marco was at my side, and gave me a ring, perfect for Ares. It was my turn now to take his hand and slide down the ring on his ring finger.

"Scarlett and Ares I'm delighted to introduce you as husband and wife to everyone present after witnessing your marriage vows. You may now kiss the bride." The preacher concluded and in an instant Ares' mouth was kissing mine and I couldn't hold back, so I kissed him too. He smiled against my lips, and whispered "Congrats, Mrs. Romano. May we have a wonderful life together."

heyy my loves!! Sorry for the late update once again, I've been dealing with some personal things and I'm really sorry

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heyy my loves!! Sorry for the late update once again, I've been dealing with some personal things and I'm really sorry. Hope you all enjoyed today's chapter!!! Love y'all 💗


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