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I head back to the clubroom, sweating loads and i sigh deeply, 'it had to be him, didn't it? He couldn't just leave me alone, i thought we could actually be friends.' I thought, scowling at the thoughts.

I quickly get ready and take a sip of my water, fixing my hair up and crap, not caring about whoever was watching when i left the room.

"Semi." A voice calls out, my eyes soften as i hear the tone in their voice, "Yes, Tendou?" I ask, not turning around.

"Don't beat yourself up for this... you're an amazing setter and i know you have so much potential i'm sure you'll still be setter." Tendou tries to reassure me, but my overthinking takes control.

I turn around towards my best friend, concern was evident in his eyes and i frowned. "He's really good, i don't believe that i will be setter anytime soon, as much as i hate it... i know coach, he sees more potential in that asshole then me."

My eyes burn up as i gulp, continuing on with my rant, "i'm not good enough, i may as well just leave the Volleyball team." I state, Tendou's eyes widening.

"No! You are not doing that! Eita, we're supposed to stick together remember?! I promise even if you don't keep the position everything will be fine!" Tendou exclaims.

I shake my head and walk slowly towards him patting his head slightly, "Thank you, Tori..." and i walk away towards Kazumi's Elementary school.

Once i get there i smile softly when i see Kazumi, running around with his friends and being his energetic self, lightening me up a bit.

"Kazumi!" I shout out, now at the gate,  my arms leaning on it. "Oniisan!" He yells back quickly running over to where i am.

"Hey little guy." I speak softer, patting his delicate head, "How was your day?" I ask Kazumi, humming slightly.

He smiles wide and jumps up and down, telling me his day was brilliant just with his actions. I chuckle lightly, "quite good eh?" I ask again, my little brother nodding multiple times.

"Alright, ready to go?" I question, smiling softly at the cute kid in front of me. The boy nods a bunch of times again quickly getting his bag from his peg and shouting a goodbye to all his friends.

Kazumi smiled softly at me and i picked him up, "ready to see your sisters at their school?" I ask him in a soft tone for him to understand.

He nodded quickly and i chuckled, walking towards where us and the twins separated, i hum slightly as we finally get to the path and start heading towards the school grounds.

Once i get there i see the twins i smile at them and wave my free hand to them. "Hey!" I yell out to them, them shouting back. "Hiiiii!"

They run up to me and jump around me, making me laugh and call out to them to stop them. "Alright stop, i'm getting dizzy just from you's running around me!"

The twins stop and awkwardly laugh, "Hehe... sorry Oniichan" Rumiko apologies, i smile at the two now not knowing what to say. "Ready to go?" I ask them to which i get answered my two shaking heads.

"Can we go to the parkkk?" Fumiko asks, i sigh and nod, "Not for long though, for about an hour, and no complaining either!" I state, they both nod in excitement and start walking in the direction where the nearby park is.

Once we get there i place Kazumi down and he heads over to Fumiko and Rumiko, i sit down on a bench next to the park, watching them.


I jump a little on the bench from the sudden buzz from my phone and quickly pull it out to find a message from my mum, i unlock my phone and open the message.

-Hey love, i just wanted to say that i've put some more money in your bank for you to use for yourself and the twins and Kazumi, Me and your dad will be back in a week xxx-

I smile softly and reply back, the sound of my fingers tapping on the screen is all i really heard other then the kids screaming happily.

-Thanks ma, i'm at the park with them right now, we're going to leave in under an hour, i miss you's loads and i can't wait to see you both again xxx-

I send the message and close the app and lock my phone then shove it in my back pocket, looking up i see the twins playing with a boy who looks their age.

Then suddenly someone sits next to me, i look in the corner of my eye and i frown, "Why are you sitting next to me?" I ask Shirabu, him looking towards me, he smirks and crosses his arms.

"No reason~" He replies making me scoff and roll my eyes. "Né, why do you hate me so much, Semi-san~?" Shirabu asks me sarcastically knowing damn well why i do.

I sigh and look at him, "You already know, Shirabu." I state, glaring at him then turned my head back to watch my siblings. "Your siblings are cute." Shirabu told me, i nodded in response, leaning my chin on my hand.

"Uhm.. look i am sorry-" Shirabu spoke but i cut him off, "shut up... you have no idea how much my spot in the team is important to me, and now your trying to take it away from me." I replied, anger evident in my voice.

With that it went silent and soon after i stood up and shouted to Fumiko, Rumiko and Kazumi. "Had fun hm?" I ask the kids, picking Kazumi up and starting the walk to home. "Yeah!" Rumiko replied cheerfully, my lips curving up slightly.

"I'm glad.. when we get home do your homework and bathe then we can have a movie night." I state, Rumiko and Fumiko squeal in delight. I chuckled and soon enough we arrived home, i unlocked the door with my key and then opened it, Rumiko and Fumiko heading up to their bedroom to which I assume that they're preparing for their bath or shower.

I sigh slightly and smile, this is going to be amazing, an amazing week. I thought, placing Kazumi on the couch and sitting next to him.

Started Monday 22 May 2023 at 5.55am
1125 words

Omg i can't believe i finally continued this! It was hard to come up with something but this all was worth it, thanks for all the support and hopefully i can get loads more chapters into this book!

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