Smoreo Eating Contest with Percy

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I dare you to have a smoreo eating contest with percy.



Okaii den. #easywin

Leo~ I challenge thee to a SMOREO EATING CONTEST!

Percy~ Hm.. okay.


[[ Some smoreo restaurant ]]

Leo, to the waiter~ One giant smoreo platter.

Percy~ Two of those, please.

Leo~ >_> Make that three.

Percy~ Four.

Leo~ Five.

Waiter~ I'm sorry sir, but it is only legal to have five plates at a time all the magic and fluffiness and awesomeness and unicorn that the smoreo is may overpower less worthy people.

Leo~ Oh. I TOTALLY understand. But still. Five plates.

Percy~ Yeah. Same here.

[[ When the food arrives ]]

Leo~ And let the battle... BEGIN!

Percy~ *starts stuffing smoreos into mouth*

Leo~ *stuffs them faster and awesomer*

[[ Later ]]

Percy~ Unhhh.. it's too much... *falls down*

Leo~ I'm guessing that means you give up?

Percy~ NO!

*gets up again*

*stuffs s'more smoreos (see what I did there?) into mouth*

Leo~ Dang. *munch munch*

[[ Even later ]]

Leo~ I'M DONE!

... ughhh. Oh no.


Percy~ Oh my gods. Did you just throw up all over my new panda shoes?!

Leo~ Oops.. heh. I still win, don't I? Even if my victory is- well, on the floor?

Percy~ -_- I'm gonna go change my shoes.

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