My new WoF OC!

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Meet Sunshower! She's a Sky/SeaWing hybrid. And a sunshower is when it's sunny, but it's also raining.

 And a sunshower is when it's sunny, but it's also raining

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Like I said before, she is a Sky/Sea hybrid. She lives in the underwater kingdom with her father, Salmon. She knows that she is a hybrid, but not sure which other tribe. She thinks either RainWing, SkyWing, or even MudWing. Her body structure is exactly like a SeaWing. With her large tail, bioluminescent scales, sail, and even gills. The gills were just hard to see. She did not have night vision however and must trust her father when going to dark areas. But... she was red. No other SeaWing in history was red, that's how she knew that she was a hybrid. (She can't breathe fire unfortunately.)

SeaWing dragonets tease and taunt and bully her just because of her color. Because... there were other hybrids, but not that many and most of them were blue, at least green. Adult dragons would gawk and judge Sunshower instead. Sunshower has never seen her mother, nor have ever been to other kingdoms. Whenever Sunshower gets stared at or teased, her father defends her. Sunshower idolizes Princess Tsunami. She believes that Tsunami is the most fiercest and bravest dragon in all of Pyrriah. So Sunshower loved her father when he announced that she was excepted to Jade Mountain Acadamy. She was finally going to get out of SeaWing kingdom.

When she got to Jade Mountain, she was finally excepted as an equal. Sunny was Sunshower's favorite teacher. She was also sent to the Copper Winglet. Unfortunately, she was also bullied by a MudWing named Swampy, calling her weird and unnatural. Sunshower always felt so judged. Until she became friends with another SeaWing named Serpent. When Sunshower admitted about her mother never coming to visit her, Serpent had responded, "Maybe she can't breathe underwater?" in a sarcastic, and obvious voice. Sunshower had never been so embarrassed. She had forgotten that her mother couldn't breathe underwater.

Sunshower is a kind, insecure, nervous, often bullied, sweet, protective, doubtful of herself, and sympathetic.

She later becomes friends with a NightWing named Lightsummoner, and a SandWing named Cactus. Lightsummoner was also an outcast because she was so beautiful, that others were jealous, being cruel to her. Cactus was an odd dragonet who liked to collect pebbles and wanted to become just like Queen Thorn. Sunshower was happy that Cactus, with his refreshing personality and Lightsummoner with her compassion, were both in the Copper Winglet. Swampy and Serpent were in the Silver Winglet.

Sunshower continues learning in Jade Mountain Academy and wants to feel welcomed somewhere, and hopefully, hopefully, see her mother.

And that's Sunshower. I absolutely love her and her style. I will definitely draw her again. And maybe with Serpent! (Serpentshower anyone?) But seriously, I adore her. OC DON'T steal.

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