I did the WoF hybrid challenge!

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Basically, the number all of the Wings of Fire tribes 1-10, then use a number generator to get to numbers. Then you look at the tribes that you got. And finally you draw the hybrid of those two tribes. I did this, and I got:

A Mud-Sky hybrid.

A Sand-Sea hybrid.

And, a Leaf-Ice hybrid.

And so, here they are! (Note that this challenge was NOT created by me. It was created by the Wings of Fire youtuber Dragonsheep, but these characters ARE mine)

 It was created by the Wings of Fire youtuber Dragonsheep, but these characters ARE mine)

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This is the MudWing/SkyWing hybrid. He goes by He/Him. And I have named him Spoonbill, after the Rosetta Spoonbill bird that lives by the swamp. As you might have guessed, the Rosetta Spoonbill is pink, and technically, SkyWings can be pink too! And some brown and you got Spoonbill! (He has fire.)

Spoonbill loves accessories and will buy any that he sees. So far he's gotten an earring, some ruby embedment, and a pouch that has three emerald rings inside. (Spoonbill by the way is about ten or twelve years old)

He lives by in a small village in the Diamond Spray Delta, close by the SkyWing kingdom. He's social and loves attention. He often thinks that he's superior and has an ambition to become king of either the MudWings or the SkyWings, alongside a queen. Although he may seem a bit of an antagonist that gets what he wants, he's not fully flawed. He has a soft spot for animals and is a good speaker.

That's all I really have with Spoonbill. I would say that he has a bit of a healthy relationship with his parents. And that he's an only child. Which could be the reason why he thinks that he loves getting attention is because he has no one who can disrupt that.

Anyway, onto the next hybrid!

Anyway, onto the next hybrid!

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This is the Sand-Sea hybrid! She goes by She/Her and her name is Shore. Because that is where the sand and the sea meet. I like her design because I feel like the pale yellow and blues (and some lavender and silver if you look at her eye, ear, and horns) fit together very nicely. I do wish though that the fade with her wings went a little bit more nicely like with her feet and tail-tip did when it faded to yellow. (She has fire.)

Shore has a healthy relationship with her older sister, Shell. Shell is purple and orange btw. Shell is ten and Shore is five. Shell is super kind to her younger sister and always giving her nice things on her birthday, giving her the pink pearls that drape around her wings and horns (Ugh, that was pain) and a tail band that also have pink pearls in it. Shore also loves and adores her older her sister, giving her well, shells in return.

Shore is bubbly, sweet, a little ignorant about the world around her, hopeful, and nosy. Even though she seems pretty innocent, she had watched her mother (A SandWing) die right in front of her. They had all insisted on her trying to swim, but she ended up drowning instead, right in front of three-year-old Shore, and new adult, eight-year-old Shell. Shore lives in a hunt on an island by the Deep Sea Palace.

I honestly love Shore's design. If you noticed, I gave her the SandWing sail, but since the SeaWings also have a little bit of their sail on her chest, I gave Shore the SandWing sail on her chest instead. I also gave her gills. I do wish though that the fade in her wings was a bit more, well, fading into the teal. Though I just think that Shore is cute, but her design was also very painful to make. :')  (I spent so much on those pearls ugh)

And lastly, but definitely not least, my favorite one out of them all!

And lastly, but definitely not least, my favorite one out of them all!

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Here is the LeafWing/IceWing hybrid, Evergreen! She goes by She/Her. I named her Evergreen because there is a tree (the LeafWing part) category that continues to thrive through the cold/winter (hence, the IceWing part). One example is the pine tree. Anyway, I just love this name and her pose, and her expression, and her colors, it's just all so good. (She has frostbreath.)

Evergreen doesn't have a good relationship with her family, constantly saying something offensive and snappy on purpose. She lives by the beach of the IceWing kingdom, still on the snow, but close to the shore and not so into the territory that her mother, the LeafWing, gets frozen. That's where her parents met when the LeafWings and the other (SPOILER) Pantala tribes went to Pyrrhia.

Evergreen is sassy, rude, snappy, and arrogant. But she's also honest (but in that annoying way), someone who listens to others, and smart (but again, in that annoying way). She does not have a lot of friends because of this personality, but those who are friendly to her, get her protectiveness and awkward side of her.

I just love Evergreen, not just because of her snooty personality but because of her coloring as well. While the other two definitely had some bright colors, it's nice just to see these calmer, duller colors make something beautiful. I also just love the pose I put her head. The sassiness is just oozing out of her.

When I was making these hybrids, I grew deeply attached to them. So it makes me sad when I think about how I was planning to turn these into adoptables. I may still do that in the future, but I don't know. Only time will tell. But I will absolutely be continuing and making more hybrids. Possibly even tomorrow!

(By the way, you do not need Dragonsheep's permission to do this challenge, she would just like to see this challenge continue growing.)

Anywaaay, I am writing this late at night and I need some sleep. Expect some more hybrids possibly tomorrow, and please tell me if you would love to see these guys in an adopt book in the future! I may not have any use for these guys, but I know that some people might and I would happily give them away so others can have them.

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