The First Date (at a local park, under a cherry blossom tree)

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Jake came into the coffee shop almost every day for the next week, and he and Sofia started talking more and more. It was clear that there was a connection between them, and Sofia found herself looking forward to seeing him each day.

One day, Jake walked into the shop with a small bouquet of cherry blossoms. "I thought you might like these," he said, handing them to her.

Sofia smiled, touched by the gesture. "Thank you, they're beautiful."

"I was thinking maybe we could take a walk in the park later? The cherry blossoms are in full bloom right now, and it's a really beautiful sight."

Sofia agreed, feeling a flutter in her stomach.

They walked through the park, Jake telling her about his life and interests, and Sofia finding herself drawn to him more and more. They stopped under a large cherry blossom tree, the pink petals fluttering down around them like snow.

Jake reached out and took Sofia's hand, looking into her eyes. "Sofia, I know we've only known each other a short time, but I feel like I've known you forever. Would you go on a date with me? A real one, I mean."

Sofia's heart was pounding. She had been hoping he would ask her out, but she hadn't wanted to push things too quickly. "Yes, I would love to," she said, smiling.

Jake leaned in then, brushing his lips gently against hers. It was a soft, sweet kiss, but it made Sofia feel like she was on fire.

Under the Starry Night Sky (set in a small town in California)Where stories live. Discover now