Chapter 4 - Cleo

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Not dead, and I actually quite like this idea. May continue it, maybe even drag that infernal server back from the dead- not that these people are even letting it die - SYD.

 Cleo studied her surroundings carefully. She was back in the cafeteria, although now it was empty and completely devoid of life. In front of her, the Dauntless table, which resided at the bottom of the U shape, held two baskets. In one, a chunk of cheese. In the other, a long knife. A woman's voice echoed behind her.

"Choose one."

Defend yourself, Cleo thought, and picked up the knife, watching as the baskets disappeared. She turned the knife over in her hands until she found a comfortable grip and moved to survey the cafeteria. A low growl at the door made her spin, and she found herself facing a large dog. Its head must have reached to the top of her rib cage, and its large white teeth were bared. Cleo tightened her grip on the knife, staring the dog down. Then it charged.

Cleo dodged to the side, sliding the knife into her sleeve so she could access it easily but still have her hands free until she needed it. The dog swerved, paws scrambling on the tiled floor, then ran at her again. This time, Cleo remained in place, until the dog was almost on top of her. Then she darted out of the way, stretching one arm out and catching the dog in the chest, causing the thing to lose its balance and stumble forward.

Cleo drew the knife.

She was reluctant to kill the beast, although it was actively trying to kill her. As the dog scrambled to its feet and faced her again, she came to a decision. It was over in a heartbeat.

Cleo woke up. She shuddered, the after-effects of the serum making her body shake a bit. The Abnegation man stood up from his chair, where he had been analyzing her test as she went.

"Dauntless." He confirmed Cleo's thoughts. She nodded, standing up. "Go ahead back to your table. Remember, you're not allowed to talk about your results." He led her to the door, holding it open as she passed. Cleo stalked back into the cafeteria, heading for the Dauntless table, where the others were roughing around. Tango was messing with False — she must not have hesitated, if she had finished faster than Cleo — while Etho and Iskall lightheartedly bickered over something. They were a small group, sure, but this year was one of the smallest in history, with only thirty people, as opposed to the usual fifty to sixty. Five Abnegation, seven Amity, six Candor, five Dauntless, and seven Erudite.

"Welcome back, Cleo!" Tango crowed, shoving False. "Good to see you're still alive!" False pushed him, almost making him fall out of his seat.

"Final group! Iskall Eighty-Five from Dauntless, Wels Knight, Doc Creeper, and Keralis Man from Erudite, Beef Vintage from Abnegation, Hypno Tized and Pearlescent Moon from Candor, and xB Crafted, Jevin Slime, and Ren Dog from Amity." The last group stood up and walked out, leaving the others to chatter and laugh. Cleo joined Tango and False on their side of the table, knocking False's chair over accidentally-on-purpose. She got a dark look from the teacher who was watching the cafeteria. Iskall returned a few minutes later, and he and Etho immediately put their heads together and started talking quietly together. Cleo ignored them, more focused on the annoying blond that was trying to take her homework folder.

"Why do you need to steal my stuff? Any homework in here is useless, we're never coming back to this school!" She laughed, grabbing his wrist. Tango pouted.

"If I turn in the math homework from last night before I go home, the teacher will raise my grade!" he said, and Cleo relented.

"Just give it back this time."

"You want to be the one to throw the papers into the river, got it," Tango quipped, pulling a piece of slightly crumpled paper out of his backpack and hastily starting to copy down the answers. Cleo rolled her eyes and turned back to False, who sat perched on the edge of the table, a mischievous look on her face.

"What are you planning, and can I help?" Cleo asked. False grinned.

"Wait til we get home. Or, if we get a car by ourselves, I'll tell you on the train ride back," she promised. Cleo grinned and nodded, then looked up as the Abnegation woman clapped her hands together.

"Aptitude tests have been concluded! Everyone is free to head home and think about what they're going to choose tomorrow. Remember, you are not allowed to share your results with anyone!" Cleo stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder as the din of chairs moving and people talking swelled. Tango shoved Cleo's folder into his backpack and grabbed his paper.

"I'll meet you at the tracks!" he yelled over his shoulder as he bolted down the hall leading to the math classrooms. Cleo rolled her eyes and followed False down the front steps, heading for the train tracks. Iskall and Etho followed them, still discussing whatever it was they were talking about. Tango joined them at the tracks, and together they waited for the train.

Word count: 880

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