6). Good News Or Not...

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Jhope had excused himself before Jk left for the hall. He had got a call from his girlfriend and no one replied from the other side first. So he decided to walk out as there was a lot of disturbance created by the music and people cheering for the dancing couples. He gave a final glance to his parents who were in their own world dancing to the rhythm. He walked out of the masion and said,
"Hello..... What happened babe?"
He was very worried as she hadn't joined the party even though mr. Wang was already present.

He patiently waited for the reply but caught some one sniffing on the other side. It didn't take him time to understand that Jenny was crying and it made him panic even more. All the bad scenarios started circling his head. Soon enough Jenny spoke and told him to come to the garden with a threat at the end. It was the worst threat he had heard till now - to not see her ever again.

Without wasting anytime, he ran towards the garden and saw Jen standing there, still crying. He ran and hugged her saying, " sshuuu, baba what happened huh? Calm down baby, see I am here." But Jenny continued crying on his sholder, hugging the hell out of him." Baby, please say something. You are making me worried." Said hobi trying his best to sound normal where inside he felt like someone is sucking his soul out. Jenny then broke the hug, hiccuping, fumbling with her pockets with shaky hands. Hope then noticed that Jen wasn't in a party wear rather in casual cloths. She looked like she came here directly from her bed. Now hoby was more than nervous. The threat she gave him few minutes ago was playing in his head like a radio. Then she found something and gave it to him while he just held it looking at her face still lost in his thoughts, trying to interpret the situation. She nudged him and gestured towards it, not trusting her voice right now. Hobi then noticed the pregnancy test in his hand showing two red lines. Wait! So Jenn is pregnant? He was going to be a father!He felt so happy, he felt like screaming and letting the world know that he was going to be a father soon. Just than a hiccup brought him out of his thoughts. Wait! Jenny is crying because she is pregnant? They are happy tears, right? But it didn't look like it. Also, what about that threat? The threat which made him loose his mind. Then it struck him like lightning - he had impregnated her before marriage. Shit! He has to marry her before her baby bump starts showing and that is before two months, three months? He had no idea. But he knew that they have to marry soon or they will be doomed. Hobi's mind started thinking of every possible solution and it's outcome.If they had to do a love marriage, they have to wait untill Jen is 24 {Remember rule no. 2 from Introduction?} that is almost for a year. Then this marriage would be legally accepted but they don't have that much time. The only practical solution with which he could hope for a better future with Jen was to tell their parents and ask mr. Wang for Jen's hand for marriage. As simple as that. So what was Jenny crying for, he couldn't understand. So he pulled himself together and asked," calm down baby why are you crying?" He wiped her tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead saying," This is a good news." Finally Jenny decided to drop the bomb, " THEY TOLD ME TO ABORT THE CHILD AND BREAK-UP WITH YOU BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT A SON IN LAW WHO DOESN'T HAVE ANY SELF- CONTROL." She said punching his chest after almost every word and let out all her frustration. Hobi watched the sudden change in behaviour wide eyed. Alright, this was a little bit, yes just a little bit difficult than what he had thought. He doesn't know how to handle his inlaws. Whatever, he will think about it later, first he should worry about his own parents. He can almost imagine his mother pulling (read: ripping) his ears off and his dad kicking his ass and him landing straight out of the house on the street . The thought made him gulp. Allright, this is a lot difficult than he thought. Then again hobi's horse mind started running with a horse's speed as he thought about his grandchildren hungry parents. He was sure that Jen's parents would be the same. That made all these problems simple. Well all he have to do is to describe that how their unborn child would look like him when he grows, to his parents and how he would look like Jenn, to mr. and mrs. Wang and he was sure that both the parents would melt into puddle. A little bit of emotional blackmail is ok, isn't it? Jhope smirked before consoling jenn about their future and then explained his plan. This made Jenny relax, she quickly hugged hobi and said," I am so proud of you darling" she kissed his nose," my clever horse." Hobi made a disgusted face at that nick name but he rather looked cute that made Jenn kiss his nose again giggling.

If after all this you wonder that what was the samdhi(in- law) shit mr. Jeon and mr. Wang pulled off in the party if mr. Wang is againt their relationship then let me tell you that they were simply playing the role of good parents. They knew that their children had the nerve to go against the society though what they are doing isn't wrong! They had taken their parents permission. But still mr. Jeon and mr. Wang wanted them to understand that doing something like that can be dangerous( which is now proved to be correct ). But as they were worried for their children, they already had talked to eachother for their relationship and had accepted eachother as their future in laws but without letting their children know about it. As responsible parents, they decided to let their children face the reality, the society, so that they think twice before doing something against the norms and even if they do, they would know how to handle it. So they decided that their future son/daughter in law shall first prove their worth infront of their in laws and only then would they allow them to marry. But the thing is that they forgot to put any restrictions on hope-jenn and let them be. Everything was fine untill Hope-Jenn joined a friend's party, got heavily drunk and.... I know that you know.

And about mr. Wang telling Jenn to break-up and all, it wasn't him but his anger talking. Not even in his dream would he want something bad for his grandchild. But all the things which he said were targeted towards hobi rather than his sweet daughter or grandchild. According to him hobi deserves some punishment for making his sweet, innocent(lol hobi knows better) child pregnant before marriage. So he just created some tension among them unknown of the fact that both of them are enjoying hobi's icecream treat right now, forgetting the whole world. Poor hobi had no idea of what was coming for him.

So, back to hobi's master plan which is actually not as good as he thinks because while making the plan he completely forget an important fact that- He has a brother named 'Jeon Jungkook' whose unmarried ass is older than him.


Coming up next

Kookie is going to marry soon to save his brother's ass.


Hey guys

I know that the coming up next part was really random and confusing. It's just to remind you guys that there are many secrets left to unreveal.

Now, about jk's marriage,

You all already know that jk won't marry liza. But how will jk do that?

° Will he threaten her with the video and tell her to run away before the marriage?( umm... no, cause doing so, his and his family's reputation would be at stake)

° Or liza herself would runaway? (no that's stupid)

°Or would Jk run away? ( LOL, that's stupid 2x)

° What if jk's intentions for blackmailing her are just opposite?

So, any thoughts????

I will try to make this as unique and captivating as possible.
Hope you like it😊

Have a grate time ahead💝

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