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"Life Foundation lead scientist Berk O'Ryan has been missing for a little over two weeks now. His loving family and fellow co-workers have been searching but still there has been no news of his whereabouts. The owner of the Life Foundation, Mr. Baekhyun Byun, has put a large sum on any information that can be handed over. If you know anything about. . ."

Changbin looked up at the screen that was emitting light through the cafe and his body froze. Across the television was the face of the man that Venom had hacked down the night they went to the club.

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh?"

"Uh oh," Venom repeated.

Changbin looked around to make sure no one was watching him. He cupped his hand over his mouth, eyes narrowing st his text book so he looked concentrated. "Why uh oh?" he asked the symbiote.

"We have gotten ourself in a situation with some very very bad people," said the alien.

"The Life Foundation?"

"I came from them."

Changbin started cleaning up his books, knowing their conversation would be longer than usual and that he could not risk people looking at him like some idiot. "I thought you came from Klyntar?"

"Yes, well, I did. The Life Foundation found me and a few other of my species on a meteor which we were exiled on. When they were coming back from space. They kept us contained and used us for experiments. Tried to conjoin us with humans. I escaped two years ago. I can only imagine what they have accomplished since."

Changbin fixed his bag on his shoulder and left the cafe, heading up to his apartment with a scowl across his face. "And you didn't think to tell me you had multi-millionare scientists after you?" he hissed as he shoved his key into the door. He turned it and the lock clicked.

"I did not think that we would end up eating one of them," Venom told its host as they entered the apartment. "The point is, a lead scientist suddenly missing? No evidence. No information. They will know it is me. They will be coming for us."

Changbin placed his books down in his room. Would he have to run? No, why was he even protecting Venom? It was a parasite. It was feeding off of his energy and making him into someone he never wanted to be. Still, Venom made him powerful. He felt safe having the alien with him at all times. Safety was something he had been unconsciously chasing his whole life.

He flopped onto his bed and stared at his phone screen. More specifically at the texts Felix had sent two days prior. He'd left him with an, "alright." Which, in hindsite was a really shitty thing to do. It was their first date, and seeing as Felix hadn't texted him back there was a low chance for a second. Maybe Felix realized how shitty of a guy he was. He hadn't been in the cafe since either.

"You should text him."

He should. He wanted to. But if Felix lost interest in him then he was safer. They both were. Especially now that the Life Foundation would be on Changbin's ass. Felix was headed for broadway, he didn't need Changbin's moodswings to cause more stress. In the past he probably would have told himself to control himself. How was he supposed to control his emotioms, though, if an alien was the one fueling them? Venom made it really unfair for Changbin.

His lust for Felix was sporadic. It came and went and he had no idea how to act on it. It wasn't just the craving for Felix's body and touch. It went into far more confusing desires that Changbin didn't understand. It shouldn't be so hard. Just text him and ask him for another date. He didn't even have to say date. He could simply say, "wanna go somewhere?" or "let's hang out."

VENOM 🕷 CHANGLIXWhere stories live. Discover now