• The usual •

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☕︎ ~ this first chapter is a flashback, so the italics are things that y/n is thinking back on~

I placed my phone down on the desk, doing my hair as usual and then moving to put on something along the lines of one of my usual outfits, some shorts, and a tshirt.

God it was hot today I thought to myself. Little did I know that I wouldn't be putting on an outfit like that in months.. but that didn't matter now.

"I'm going out!" I called from the hallway, peering into any rooms my dad might of been in.

"Okay, but don't be back too late, you have got to start packing." He replied bluntly. Packing? I didn't even know what he was even talking about..
I left shortly after and went straight to my favourite coffee shop, a little one with plants in the window and yellowish lighting. It always reminded me of a cliché one that you would see on an app like pinterest. The bell jingled when I walked in, putting a small smile on my face.
"Y/n, your back!" The mousy haired boy said in a cheery voice. "The usual?"

"Yes Leo, thank you~" I placed my elbows on the counter and cupped my face with my hands. I liked that it was a small coffee shop. I had time to be 'friendly' with the barista on that shift at the time, and as I came in every day at the same time, I had it all planned out so that I could see Leo every day.

『 because that doesn't sound creepy.. 』

But I didn't mean it like that, I just enjoyed seeing him every day. He was a nice person, and good looking too, and he did make a really good iced mocha..

When he handed me my drink, he placed the straw in it directly infront if my face.
"Hey! You could of taken my eye out." I giggled softly, handing him the money.

"Well, lucky I didn't then." He winked, placing the change in my hand.
"My dad said that I have to pack when I get back. What does he mean by that?" I asked, sipping on the drink slowly.
"Oh Y/n. He probably means that your moving. Has he been talking about any place in particular for a while?" Leo said, trying to be understanding.
"Well, if I had to put a finger on it, he has taken a liking to talking about Colorado, specifically a town called South Park." I revealed.
"Y/n! It's freezing over there!" He jested.
"Hey stop it!" I joked. "I don't even think I own a long sleeved shirt, let alone mountain gear." I laughed.
"Well, if your really going.. then I want you to have this." He stated, handing me a business card from the shop, with some numbers written on the plain part of the card.
"Awh, you gonna miss me?" I smiled.
"Maybe." He said quieter then before.
"Well.." I started, sipping on my drink again. "I should probably go start, packing, then."
"Have fun~" Leo teased, as I walked out the shop, with my iced mocha. As I inspected the business card, he had also written underneath his number.
"If your gonna miss my *amazing* iced mochas, I heard there's a place in south park called tweak. bros." I smiled, walking home and placing the card in my back pocket. When I reached my house, most of my stuff had been boxed up already.
"Dad? Are we actually moving?"
"Yes, honey."
I mumbled something under my breath and looked around the almost empty house, picking up a random box and placing the lone items inside, taking them to the van parked outside. When my dad told me to get in the car, I noticed a blanket, a pair of sweatpants and a puffer coat in my seat. I moved the items and looked over at my dad who was sat next to me in the drivers seat.

"It's always snowing in South Park, Y/n." He announced.

~ thank you to @PaisleyMWood
for requesting a tweek x reader 🤍

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