Dark Friday Night

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Your CEO husband walked in late again.. 4 nights in a row he kept coming home at 12AM. Not to mention you went through his phone and seen him messaging someone named "Linda"

You were beyond livid.. So you couldn't control your temper when he walked in the door. As you screamed at him he didn't yell back he just looked stressed

" Here you go with this bullshit again."

He said in a deep stressed out voice as veins throbbed in his forehead.

You sighed as you said '' what am I gonna do with you Enzo.. '' without thinking you suddenly said '' we need to talk''

"What do we need to talk about."

Enzo said with his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows scrunched together. He doesn't show any signs of remorse, even though he just got home late 4 times in a row and you had evidence that he was cheating on you... He was very calm... Almost too calm as he faced you with his stone face.

"Do you.... Even love me? Or do you love that itched named 'linda' more than me..?". I said in utter disgust while holding back angry tears scrunching my hands into a ball of fist not looking at him in the eyes. '' hah, what am I saying, you never even loved me! '' i said in a complete heart broken voice.

Enzo looked away, sighing again, he seems to be tired with these questions. He seems to lack passion and empathy with his lack of reaction to how his wife feels.

"That's a stupid question, of course I love you more."

He said in a very angry and aggressive way. Not being compassionate at all

'' that's funny, wow you? Love me? More than that girl Linda your chatting just earlier?? '' you said devastated, '' I'm tired, I can't even know you better, understand d you better or even get close to you... What kind of toy do you think i am!? '' you said while shaking.

Enzo looked at you blankly... He has no emotion on his face as he stared at you with his dark black eyes. They are cold and he shows zero sympathy as if you don't matter at all... Then he walks up to you and grabs your neck tight, showing a bit of aggression.

Is that what you wanted? Me showing some emotion?

He said it in a condescending manner and in a deep voice. His words are like daggers as he lets go of your neck

Y/n's Pov:

As I went to get my car keys from my pocket and went to the kitchen table

''Heres the divorce papers, I've signed it already knowing you of ouse would sign it and here also..'', said while hurrying to get the engagement ring on your finger and throwing it at his face.

''There! Have this useless, heartless, lovingless ring that would do absolutely do nothing to me!'' I screamed at his face while shaking looking pretty confident when scared at the expression he's giving me.

"You're really doing this aren't you.."

Enzo sounded angry and upset as he watched his wife walk out the door. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back in.

He was breathing hard through his nose and he still looked angry. He had a grip on her wrist tight enough that it hurt. He was looking at her with those black eyes, his eyes were so full of rage and aggression. His body was so tense he was almost shaking.... You'd feel scared by his presence at the moment and what he is capable of...

"WHAT NOW??!!" Y/n said, almost shaking because of what he might possibly do to her.



Y/n said while desparately screaming at his face as more tears ran off through her cheeks dripping from her eyes to the grounds.

Enzo's grip on your wrist gets tighter as he stares down at you with his rage filled eyes. As you scream at him he gets even more angry his teeth are clenched, his fists are balled up, and he's trembling. His veins are throbbing and it looks like they will explode any second. It's clear he's furious and he's about to lose control... And you are the cause of it

"Shut your mouth, woman!"

It comes out as a growl and he gets even closer to you, you are in fear now.

Y/n gasped through the air by fright because of Enzo, "I-I loved you Enzo... I did" Y/n said while tears spilling out of her eyes, not realizing tears was forming on her eyes making Enzo look at me with a shocked expression.

Y/n removed his grip and threw his hands of her and slowly walked up to him saying ''I love you... But you don't love me back.."

I kissed his lips for the second time after that time on our wedding, a sudden tear left my eyes and as I rushed out of the house slamming the doors shut while having my breathing at lost while shaking heavily.

Enzo watches you go with a very angry look in his eyes... He was fuming.
Enzo slammed his fist into the wall several times and screamed at the top of his lungs out of pure anger and frustration as a vein throbbed on his forehead, his face was also red and his whole body was tensed

"Stupid woman!"

He yelled through his teeth, his face still red as a vein throbbed on his forehead.

I opened the car door of my Mercedes Benz which Enzo bought for me as a
''gift'', I was startled because of the sudden noise bangging through the walls and was left shocked on where the sound came from..

"Enzo..?" I said walking to the front door hurrily opening it, my eyes got caught in shock on seeing enzos fist was bleeding so much.

I rushed up to him, forcing to show me his fist while pulling is arms and looking at his wounds

Enzo snapped in the sudden flash of
Y/n's behavior.

"Get away from me!"

Enzo pushed y/n back violently... His black eyes had no mercy or empathy. His face was full of rage and aggression... You'd feel afraid of him in this moment as he pushed you back... His black eyes were still glaring down at you after he pushed you back. He was still gripping his fists and his veins were still throbbing as his whole body was tense

"You. Get. Away. From. Me!"

Enzo yelled in a very angry and aggressive voice... With his face in pure anger

"Then what's the reason your mad? I haven't done anything to make you mad and you repay me with this??"

"When will you ever change of heart towards me..?" I as I sighed

I looked up at him one last time not knowing what Enzo would reply with and slowly walking toward me..

"Change of heart to you?! Don't make me laugh!"

Enzo said while laughing. He put his hands on his hips as he laughed. He was still breathing heavily and was still looking at you with anger... You could tell he didn't care about you and he was ready to move on

"You're delusional woman! Now get away from me!"

Enzo turns away from you and walks off as he is still breathing heavily. He goes into his room and you can hear him slamming the door... Then you hear him throwing a glass on the wall then more screaming from his voice... Enzo sounds like a man who is ready to lose his mind... And by his actions now, you know that it could be very dangerous to be with him... You know he's capable to hurt you and probably worse..

"No... you're the one who's delusional.." I said walking off and slamming the door shut imitating how he slammed the door. I drove my car to the nearest city and found an hotel open so I just went by and take the night there.

End of chapter 1....

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