live cam

902 16 13

"aughhhh... Im soo bored.. theres nothing to do today" beomgyu was complaining to kai

"Then you should go live after we eat lunch??" Kai gave a suggestion to beom

"Ooh thats good!!! Wanna join me?" Beomgyu smiled

"Oh sorry me and soobin are gonna go get something at a market, yk for dinner " kai declined his offer politely

"Awe okay!! Hope y'all enjoy shopping lol! Ohh can we have chicken for tonight btw?"

"Ofc beomsss! I'll tell soobin that later okay?"

Beomgyu smiled and waved goodbye to kai who responded back with another wave.

Beoms hopped away feeling excited for the chicken.


Lunch is readyy!!!!" Soobin shouted loud enough so they could hear him.

Taehyun and kai sat together

Soobin at the center point and yeon and beomgyu sitting next to eachother.

The lunch was just summer rolls with peanut sauce with some juice to pair with

"Hope you guys are okay with this kind of food!"soobin smiled

"It looks delicious ~" kai was starvingg and the food made him crave it

"Dig inn!" Taehyun said

Then they all ate.

Kai helped soobin clean up the table.

"You know.. you dont have to help me" soobin said

"Its fine. I like spending time with you~" kai smirked and soobin just laughed it off.


Beomgyu sets up his phone to set the live on.



Hello moas!!!! I missed you guys so much! Its been a while since i did a live right?? Hahah sorry i was real busy~~"


-why were you busy beoms???

-hii beomgyu!!! I missed you sm!!

-is this a solo live??

-isnt it obvious??? Ofc its solo live

-ahhh i missed you so much beomgyu!! Glad you're back!!!

Beomgyu was so happy to see The moas happy to see him!!

He was also glad that the moas was still here with txt and didn't ditched!

"So guys let me tell you!! I ate summer rolls today for lunch!! It was so goodd. Made by soobin by the way!!"

The comments filled with i miss you beoms

Wow soobin is a good cook

Something like that

Beomgyu continued to tell really random stories he did today and yesterday and the day before and so on.

Just then yeonjun walked in beomgyu's room.

"Hi beomgyu~ i missed you~"

Yeonjun couldn't be seen on camera since he was near the door and beomgyu was on his bed

-whos that??

-omg yeonjun?!?! Missing beomgyu?!!!!!

-soobin kai taehyun or yeonjun????


"Yeonjuniiii!! Hello~" beomgyu smiled

Yeonjun ran up to beomgyu and hugged him

They both fell on the bed.

Yeonjun still not noticing he was live..

Yeonjun started kissing beomgyu back n forth.

"How i craved your lips today beomgyu~...."

Beomgyu panicked and kicked the phone making it fall and the live was all black but the viewers could still hear them.

"Ah shit my phone.." beomgyu tried getting up but yeonjun pushed him back.

"Why need a phone when you have me to explore??"

"Yeonjun ah!!! Im fcking live right now!!" Beomgyu gently pushed him off him.

Beomgyu picked up the phone

So many comments.. of them

Most of them were recording oh no

"Ah... Sorry guys i have to end right now.. if you listen to me. Please dont post this. Its a misunderstanding. Yeonjun didn't mean that."

Beomgyu was lying but what choice did he have??

He ended the live.

"Ah... Im so sorry beomgyu.. I didn't know." Yeonjun apologized again and again.

While beomgyu saying its fine again and again.

"How can i make it up to you??" Yeonjun asked

"Give me a blowjob"

"Really? You want that??"
Yeonjun was speechless.

"Yeah..... You dont wanna?"

"Ofc i want to~~"

"Ayo i was kidding lol"

"Oh. Next time then~"

Beomgyu felt his face going red and just walked off.


"Yeonjun.. did you see your notifs?"

Yeonjun looked at beomgyu who looked worried.

"Oh sht.. im so sorry beomgyu."
Yeonjun felt guilty

"Its fine. You didn't know i was live anyway. Accidents happen!"

"But seriously. How can i make it up for you??"

"I said its fine jun."

"Oh alright. Just ask for anything and I'll give it."

Beomgyu nodded. He went to the kitchen for a snack and bumped into taehyun

"Ah beomgyu!! I was looking for you."

"Oh for whatt????"

"I saw these posts about you n yeonjun. Did that rlly happen ~?"

"Thats nothinggg.. they probs edited it."

"Oh okayy! Thanks!"


Sorry this was short!!

yeongyu (yeonjun x beomgyu) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now