teddy bear!

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It was time for mid-terms exam for beomgyu

Oh noo!~ hehe.


Yeonjun sitting on the couch watching tv with funny videos on the big screen. And beomgyu on the dining table with his textbooks scattered around the table while he sat trying to focus.

"Come on!.." beomgyu sighed under his breath as he put his forehead down on the table with his arms hanging.

Beomgyu heard yeonjun chuckled and he looked at yeonjun's direction.

Beomgyu could see yeonjun walking towards him and he kissed his cheek.

"You okay baby bear?"yeonjun said smiling at him. "Noo..too hard!" Beomgyu groaned while yeonjun just chuckled at the misery that beomgyu was having.

"Want a break?" Yeonjun offered his hand

Beomgyu smiled tiredly at him and took his hand before they headed to the couch and watched some funny videos while they cuddled on the small long couch.

Yeonjun was glad beomgyu was laughing. Beautiful laughs was all that left Beomgyu's mouth and that made yeonjun looked at him and laughed softly aswell.

After a while..more like almost an hour of watching tv..

Beomgyu sat up and stood up, leaving yeonjun sleeping on the couch peacefully

"Should I pull an all nighter..?"beomgyu asked to himself quietly.

Beomgyu shrugged and nodded to himself while his hands on his own hips feeling confident!

Woho go beomss!!

Beomgyu turned off the living room lights and placed a comfy blanket on yeonjuns sleeping body on the couch.

He turned on a lamp on the dining table and he started studying.

Currently it's like 10:48pm right now.

"This is gonna be alot.." beomgyu whispered to himself looking at the dining table that was messed up by the textbooks all around it.

After what seemed like forever. He was done. DONE!!.

Beomgyu read the last two words on the last textbook and he passed out on the dining table sleeping peacefully.

He ended at 4:56am.

After a few hours yeonjun woke up from the couch and standing up before stretching.

After a while he faced his direction to the sleeping beomgyu which made him smile warmly while he rubbed his eye. He checked the time on the clock.


He walked over to the sleeping boy and kissed his forehead.

"Baby bear..wake up."

Beomgyu groaned quietly and he moved his head position to the other side .

Which..made yeonjun sigh and he gently picked up beomgyu.

Beomgyu slowly wrapped his arms around Yeonjun's neck and his legs around his waist. Anddd- lastly his head on yeonjuns shoulder! Close to his neck wink wink!~

Hehe sorry bout that!



Yeonjun walked to their shared room which most of the lights were turned off and the curtains closed.

Yeonjun slowly and gently placed beomgyu on the comfortable bed and he kissed his cheek lovingly smiling at him.

Beomgyu mumbled a "Thankyou" to yeonjun while he smiled tiredly

"Where's my teddy bear?"

Yeonjun chuckles and he handed beomgyu his bear.

"You look just like your teddy." Yeonjun smiled as beomgyu took his bear which made him giggle.

"Heh~...wanna cuddle with me?" Beomgyu smiled while his eyes were closed and under the covers.

Yeonjun smiled and laid next to beomgyu and he made himself the big spoon.(yeonjun).

Beomgyu is now under yeonjun's arms while he sleeps peacefully and feeling safe under his arms.


"You're my teddy bear." Yeonjun smiled and kissed his cheek once again before they both slept cuddling on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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